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R22 HP weight and balance CG question.

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Looking at the CG on a 1981 R22 HP. The max gross is not an issue with the helicopter. empty weight is 854.4 and max gross is 1300. The problem you run into is the forward CG limit is too far forward in just about every situation. I am trying to figure out if something is wrong with the weight and balance of this ship or can someone else tell me if they have had the same experience with all HP's? I am trying to figure out how to move the battery out of the nose and back to the frame like the later models did as I am sure that would help. The empty w&b numbers are


weight arm moment

854.4 101.85 87021.5

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Well I weigh in at 210 lbs and with both tanks full the removable controls removed as well as my door (yep still hot enough) I come in at 1234.7 lbs, CG of 98.7, and a moment of 121868.25. Which according to the chart in the POH is within longitudinal limits. Empty CG was good too.


So I can fly it.


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If you're using this for training I can see where you're coming from. Looks like you can't take much more than 300 lbs in the cockpit.


However, having done more calculations, my Private Cfi weighed 105 lbs and if we take both doors off (as we often did in the desert) and I don't take my flight bag and empty out both seats I'll come in at 205 lbs, which means we could still go up with 24 gallons, which is at least 2 hrs, so it is doable.


Thing is I flew an HP with Jerry Trimble and didn't seem to have any forward CG problems, so maybe you should give him a call?


Edited by r22butters
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Yea.. I'm not sure what you're doing that is putting the CG out that far. Like butters said, keep the cockpit weight under about 300 lbs (310 to be exact) and your empty CG will stay within limits. Adding fuel will bring the CG back farther, so the issue you'll run into there is hitting your max gross weight, which you will obviously correct for by not adding as much fuel.

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You know if you think about it this is on par with the difference between the HP and Beta/Beta II. With them you generally can't have more than 400 lbs (many times even closer to 390) in the cockpit without busting forward CG. And the gross weight difference is 70 lbs. Add that to the 310 lbs that I got and you get 380 lbs, which is pretty close to the Beta/Beta II limit.


What I'm getting at is, I think your HP is normal. It was just built back when the average American wasn't so fat.


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