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Help with my eassay

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Hi, I am putting together my packet. I about to write my Essay on why I want to become an Army aviator. I was just wondering what are things that I should include. Can I write that I fly remote control helicopters and how it has helped me and also that Ive got many hours in a single engine plane. Thanks, any Ideas will be appreciated.

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Write about experience that shows responsibility, accountability for property, and leadership. Quantify in dollars and numbers of personnel whenever possible. Not everyone that sees the packet will be aviation, so you're not just trying to impress them with your ability to fly or ability to learn to fly. You will be considered as a candidate by officers and warrant officers from other branches and they are there to balance out the scale to be sure that the candidates selected are also viable as leaders and officers in the Army.

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Option 1


Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT)(Civilian, Member of a Reserve or National Guard) Contact your local Army recruiter to start your Warrant Officer Flight (WOFT) Packet. This will consist of you taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), the Alternate Flight Aptitude Screening Test (AFAST), and the basic enlistment physical. You must be at least 18 and not have reached your 33rd birthday at the time of selection. Age waivers above the age of 32 have an approval rate of less than 2%. You must be a US Citizen. Legal infractions above traffic violations will require a waiver.


You must achieve a score of 50 or higher on the ASVAB test while achieving a GT score (one of ten sub test scores from the ASVAB) of 110 or higher. You must score 90 or higher on the AFAST test. A Class 1-A/W Flight Physical will then be scheduled. You cannot have had Radial Keratonomy eye surgery. Your eyesight cannot be more than 20/50 and must be correctable to 20/20. There is a study group being conducted on personnel who have undergone eye surgery for entry into the Warrant Officer Flight Training Program. Please visit this site for additional information concerning the study group: http://www.rucker.amedd.army.mil/dept/aama/


You will have to provide a copy of your high school and college diplomas and transcripts, references from no more than 6 of your closest friends in as high a position within the community as possible. Your references should include community service, volunteer work, character, physical ability, scholarly and leadership traits. You will have to complete a signed, one page, handwritten, narrative addressing the statement "Why I want to be an Army Aviator". No assistance in preparation of the paper is authorized other than the use of a dictionary. You will also be required to get a full-length photo in professional attire. Your packet will be forwarded to the recruiting battalion headquarters for review; they will convene a board of officers for you to appear before. Their recommendation and your application packet will be forwarded to the USAREC Selection Board. Once the USAREC Selection Board has adjourned and the results are approved, the recruiter will be notified of the results. If selected, you will have 10 days to go to the MEPS where you took your physical and enlist into the Army as a Warrant Officer Flight Training Candidate. You will not leave that day, you will be given a report date from 3 weeks to 12 months later. You can also find information on the Warrant Officer Flight Training program at goarmy.com


Mr. Joe L. Howell

OCS/WOFT Program Manager

1-800-223-3735 ext. 6-0467

COM 502-626-0467

DSN 536-0467


Warrant Officer Recruiting website
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  • 3 months later...

any Ideas will be appreciated.


I recently was selected into the active army for a pilot slot so hopefully my information will help you. My essay came natural to me. Flying has been something I have wanted to do my entire life so I wrote about the events that brought me to want to be an Army aviator. If you have flight hours, college, and other things that will make your packet more competitive they should be produced in other places of your packet. Your essay should come from the heart and show your desire to be an Army aviator. In other words it is not an area to list you accomplishments but to show them why and how much you want to be an Army aviator. If you don’t know why you want to be an Army aviator than find something you’re more passionate about and don’t waste the Army’s time or money.

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  • 1 month later...

Sell yourself. Don't be modest. Talk about your accomplishments, they will be looking for someone to stand out from everyone else. Talk about how you understand and apply time management, how and why you came to the decision to join the Army as a pilot, etc.



Vandal, Congrats! and Chopper, good luck!




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And I highly recommend the use of a dictionary and thesaurus. If your essay includes the misspellings and grammar mistakes of your posts, you won't make a very good impression. Proper grammar and spelling count. In fact, they count everywhere, every time. Appearing uneducated seldom creates a positive impression.

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Very good info. I thought it only had to be a paragraph. At least now I know it has to be one page long. To be honest, I dont think mine will be more than 3 paragraphs when I re-write mine. You dont need to write a book to get accepted. Just speak from the heart and be truthful. Thats the route I am going with. It has not failed me yet.

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