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Lesson two

7/11/07: Today we focused on hovering and traffic patterns. I was never a dancer or pugilist and it shows in my pedal work. Cyclic control, got it. Cyclic + Collective, got it. Maintain heading with anti-torque pedals, ARGGGHHH, overshoot, undershoot, over correct to the right. I could blame my fixed wing training, but it's just that my feet are lazy, heck, just a couple months ago, my left foot convinced me to buy my first car with an automatic transmission. I have a surprise in store for them.




7/6/07: I can't believe it, but I've finally started my helicopter flight training. My first .9 is now officially logged and I'm still flying high even though my feet are back on the ground.   The weather here in NC was perfect for a first flight, just a slight left quartering headwind, great visibility with just a few high clouds.   My instructor Craig and I hit it off right away, and after thoroughly covering SFAR 73 we walked out to the ramp for my first R22 preflight. He took the time to exp



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