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Hey, I'm goin' down to do the safety course on the 20th, Oct 20th. Will any of ya be there?




I live here, and have for the last 24 years! Send me a PM, if you have some questions I can stear you in the right direction. I'm not sure if I will be able to get together, because sadly I have a job that has me working way too much.


Not that i'm complaining. I pay as I go, so more money is more flying!


I'm hoping to, but I have to re-check the minimums. My 9-year-old lives nearby, it'd be good to see her.


Oct 20-23, I'll be there.


I'll be there... along with some others from Rotors. Looking forward to it for sure. Weather permitting we are planning on taking one of the R44s.




I'm thinking of wearing the flightsuit that Thursday for the flight. What'ya think?



Posted (edited)

I might not be able to fit it in my carry-on. I'll just bring the headset.



Edited by Witch

Bah, don't even bother trying to carry it on. Just wear helmet and flight suit on the plane.


#1 - It just looks cool


#2 - Offers head and burn protection in the event of a crash


#3 - It just looks cool


#4 - Boosts passenger confidence in the pilots skills when they find out another pilot is wearing a helmet


#5 - It just looks cool


Thats all I can think of... :lol: B) :P

Hey, I'm goin' down to do the safety course on the 20th, Oct 20th. Will any of ya be there?





Witch, thanks for letting me know. I think I have an appointment in South Arkansas that week (I want to be as FAR away from TOA as possible!!!!)


Ok, JK...be sure and let me know when all you guys are in town, sounds like a good bunch that week.

During the week always seems to be tough to get together....maybe a Sunday night when you guys all fly in ??


Its about a 20 minute flight for me to come down, and thats only cause it takes 5 minutes to warm up the 44, and 5 minutes to get Class B clearance...



Bah, don't even bother trying to carry it on. Just wear helmet and flight suit on the plane.


#1 - It just looks cool


#2 - Offers head and burn protection in the event of a crash


#3 - It just looks cool


#4 - Boosts passenger confidence in the pilots skills when they find out another pilot is wearing a helmet


#5 - It just looks cool


Thats all I can think of... :lol: B) :P


Now those are five great reasons to take the hardhat. But still it'll be less of a hassle to leave it home. I don't know, maybe I will take it. What d'ya'll think? Should I?


Goldy, I'll call Sunday. I should be at the Ramada about 4:00, so be sure to stay near the Batphone.


Rocky and AD, I'll PM ya'll with contact info.



  • 4 weeks later...

Touch down at LAX 3:30pm local on Sunday. Not sure how long it'll take to get to the ramada, but I'll see you folks there.


Should be an interesting week. What days are you guys flying? I'm flying on thursday.


Crap. I knew I should have scheduled the safety course months ago.


I guess I need to stop procrastinating and get on the schedule. Maybe Feb or March.


Have a blast guys and be sure to report back (especially if Witch wears the helmet and/or the flight suit). Witch, I dare you to get a tattoo of Frank R's face and then post it on your myspace page - drunk of course. :D




Hey all,


looking forward to the course and meeting you all.. really hope you can make it Goldy! Landing LAX at 1:41pm Frontier.


Staying at the Ramada as well.


Had planned to fly a 44 until i found out it was 24 hours round trip!!!


If Frank will let me i'll take photos and post impressions when we get back! Maybe i can catch Witch at his best... :-)




Kelly, I'm in the process of deleting that Myspace page. Sorry. Also, I have no space for the hardhat, so that's a bust. Flightsuit is go.




OK, just checking in ...I am flying down tonight, be at TOA around 6PM...call me on my cell if you want.


Witch you have a PM



Where are your decision skills, you should not require help to decide whither the dome protector is worn. :ph34r:

Of course you should ! complete with was it the pink\light tan flight suit. :unsure:

Pics pleaseeee RkyMtnHI


Where are your decision skills, you should not require help to decide whither the dome protector is worn. :ph34r:

Of course you should ! complete with was it the pink\light tan flight suit. :unsure:

Pics pleaseeee RkyMtnHI


Dennis got a pix of me last night taking off from TOA to head home. Glad the clouds went up to 400, gave me some room to sneak under until I could get clear....anyway, I dont think I was wearing a pink flight suit though...


Damn you Goldy, not telling me until too late about the get together. The one day I could have snuck out of the office!


Mostly wanted to see the 44 more than you anyways! (hehehe)


Oh well, there's always next time!




Man i am glad to be home, but have to admit i didn't want to leave the factory with all those awesome new helis flying around!


This post is to show you all what the other VR members look like! Great guys all! I will get a post and photos of the course on here pretty soon and everyone that was there can add to it.


I will also do a separate post on the R66 info that they gave us. I spoke with a couple of people that sat in it and have their comments as well!


Check out Goldy and Patrick by the white 44 (Patrick on the left, Goldy on the right), ADRidge on the beach & Witch at the hotel. Goldy and Patrick took me on a killer ride along the beach and over LA (I thought DIA was busy airspace!!) the other photos are from that flight!


More photos on the other posts, i'll also add an album on photobucket! Sorry these suck, had to use my little camera!






Sorry, i should have been more specific: Goldy is the good looking one on the right!! :-)




Posted (edited)

Let's see. That one photo is 150 feet over the water, 90 knots, pulling max power with the cyclic in his knees in the 44....


Hey that's me !


Great seeing you Dennis. Had a lot of fun on our flight and flying back home over the water in the darkness !



Edited by Goldy

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