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Nuclear Power Plants


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Hey guys,


this summer I was flying for the DNR in Minnesota and during that time I was based out of the Princeton area. On day we got dispatched to a fire and my helicopter manager next to me mentioned that there is a Nuclear Power Plants within 5nm to the grass fire. At that point I was not sure how close I could legally fly to them.

That particular Nuclear Power Plants was not my sectional. I dont know it thats the case on all sectionals but I guess the FAA or USGOV don't want to let you know where they are(Terror attacks)


Anyway so I called FSS and asked if there is a permanent Flight restriction or TFR around Nuclear Power Plants in general. But he did not have an answer for me. He said there has been something like that shortly after 9/11 but he did not know if its still the case or not.


So he had me call Minneapolis APP and as soon as he got back to the phone after checking with his supervisor i had to hung up, because we got dispatch to another fire.


Does anybody know how close we can fly to them ?



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The ones by us (Hanford Nuclear Reservation) are covered by an NSA, and the Idaho National Labs I believe are covered by a prohibited area (easy to find on a sectional...eastern half of the state, northern part of the valley...there isn't anything else there). Of course, there's more going on at both of those places than just splitting some atoms for power.


Seabrook, the infamous NH powerplant, I don't know about flying over, but friends of mine would boat right up to it to harvest mussels (lot of faith in that activity). I recall TFRs over it after 9-11, but there were all kinds of TFRs back then.

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If there's nothing in the NOTAMs, TFR wise, or depicted on charts, there's no restriction on normal aviation traffic. That said, if you're doing something that looks threatening to the security folks, it might have an unhappy outcome (even small arms fire vs a helicopter is a losing proposition for the helo) and/or official attention. There's a general NOTAM stating that we're not supposed to loiter in the vicinity of dams, etc.

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There's a 'Lab' on my chart with a note, "for reasons of national security pilots are requested to avoid flight at and below 800' in this area". I suspect, if they didn't want you to fly near that plant, they would put something like this on your chart. :huh:

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I forgot to mention that, :o that 'Lab' is marked by a big, purple dot. This makes perfect sense to me, however, I feel I must mention that there is a 'major ball park', which was built around ten years ago, that is still not on the chart. There is a TFR around it every time there is a game, so I don't know why its not on the chart yet, I mean they only renew these charts every six months? :huh:

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My understanding is the same as Wally. Don't loiter. I fly past a couple of different Nuclear power plants several times a year. I pass at 400 to 500 agl and not over the buildings. :unsure: Once I am within 3nm, I have a path chosen and fly straight through without deviation. This is a VFR route for my area and no one has had any issues that I am aware of.


I have been asked by passengers to circle around to look at the plant more closely. I decline and move on. I don't want to even look threatening..., which is the key. If you have business in the area, do it and move on.



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Hey Falko, I was warned about that powerplant when i was on fire duty there. They probably added that to their briefing because of you. :o


It was my understanding that with the discrete transponder code used for fire fighting A/C, ATC should be able to use that information along with a call to the DNR to verify you are working a fire and not have some other motive in mind.


As far as part 91 i'm not 100% sure either. I'm with the other guy saying no loitering and keep moving. The link below if of a sectional with a nuclear plant near where i grew up. The plant is just south of coffey county (UKL). A 3 mile final headed north puts you about a mile away. It is only labeled as "power plant"....not much of a heads up for a transient pilot. No real marks of caution, more like a label used as a landmark.





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I have flown around that nuclear plant for power line patrol. We call or have the power line dispatch call the facility and let them know what we are doing. I flew over two security prisons while on patrol this fall with no problems. I flew 25ft above the security wall following the line. Even the security guard with the M-16 waived at us. I was also told not to loiter in those areas. I was told to get the job done and get out of their. If you are on an active fire you don’t have a choice. I would have the DNR dispatch call the plant while en route. Your not loitering when you are working the fire.


Chopper Tom

Edited by Chopper Tom
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We have a large nuclear facility here on the west coast (San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant). Its in the restricted airspace (R2503) that covers the USMC base here.


I routinely ask for an receive clearance to not only fly through R2503, but right over the top of the power plant at 500 feet.


I guess they have decided that a 500 or R44 can't do enough damage to warrant keeping me out further.

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