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Getting a job at an airport


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Okay so I'm looking for a part-time job and I was wanting to work at my local airport to help pay for lessons. I'm just wondering if anyone has tips or anything on how to get a job working at an airport??

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Go to the airport and get to know the people at the FBO, and what not, let them know of your interest in aviation and would like an oppertunity to work around aircraft, sweeping the hangers, washing aircraft, what ever they may have available that you're able to do. it may take a while but something will come up eventually


Present yourself in a neat clean manner and be polite.


good luck

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I just dropped my resume at the local FBO and hung around the airport a lot. Eventually people got to know me and I was called for an interview. In the mean time I got a job at a sub sandwich place to help pay for flight lessons. Money is money, get any job first, then go get the job you want.

Edited by SBuzzkill
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Good input from 67November and SBuzzkill! Take some time and visit every single op on the airport and explain what you are looking for. In the past four months i have sent two people to other operators that i knew were looking for help and they both were hired. Even if the person you meet doesn't have any openings they may know someone that does (don't forget to ask them about other possibilities).. airports are generally tight groups and talk a lot. If no one has anything don't give up, keep going back in and visiting.. something will come up.


good luck..


btw Journeys Aviation at KBJC is looking for a GM... :-)



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If you could get hired at a helicopter operator company, whether it be one that does flight training, commercial ops, or both, that would be a great way to start out. Sweeping floors, washing the birds, cleaning up the hanger facility, etc etc.


That was my first job during my senior year of high school. Forget working as a waiter! Got hired on with PJ Helicopters out here in Northern California as a hanger rat. Washed the helicopters, cleaned the inside and outside of them, kept the hanger and facility grounds maintained, cleaned support trucks, swept the hanger floor, cleaned this and that, etc. Was a great job for any enthusiast looking to get into aviation, or flying. Got an occasional ride in the birds as well :) Any type of job like that which gets you around the aircraft on a daily basis would be great, as it would allow you to talk to the pilots and mechanics, and learn not only a few things about the aircraft and how they operate, but about flying as well, especially if you so desire to be a pilot someday.

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My first aviation job was similar. I worked at a small FBO cleaning, fueling, marshalling, and being a janitor. Then my manager quit and they didn't hire anyone to take his place, so all of the sudden I was doing inspections, scheduling the other line guys, hiring, fixing the trucks, etc.


Eventually I started helping out around the engine shop and I even got some free flight time out of it. It was hard work and long days with no breaks, but it was fun!

Edited by SBuzzkill
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