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Low flying aircraft crashing into occupied buildings!


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This amazing photo shows the tragedy in terrifying detail.

The pilot, at low level, had lost control of his aircraft.

It narrowly misses a crowd gathered for the airshow and slams into four buildings.

One can only imagine the horror of the occupants inside those buildings. :lol:


See pic below


























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..a new idea for an iPhone App. A game of taking out kaibo's with a hot air balloon. It would of course be timed, with more points scored for each being occupied. Winds would definitely be a preference choice!


Forget the helicopter job....be a programmer!



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Good timing Lyn on this post as the International Balloon Fiesta starts tomorrow, 10/02/2010 in Albuquerque, N. Mexico with 500+ balloons participating in Mass Ascensions, tumble weed drops, key ring grabs from a flag pole top for a new car and now porta-potty bowling!

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