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Did my first solo flight last night. did a few pick ups and set downs with some pedal turns and hover taxi's. here is the clip of the VERY FIRST solo pickup taxi and set down !




I had 28.6 hours




SPECAILS THANKS Goes out to Palm Beach Helicopters for making this all possible !

Edited by GmeisteR
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Thanks guys ! It was a blast ! The r22 went down for its 100 hour today so i didnt get to solo today but we are hoping for tomorrow ! which if i get too i will get to do my first traffic patterns ! woohoo !

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That is awesome. Glad you were able to make your dream of flying helicopters come true.


Congrats to you again. Fly safe, stay relaxed and don't forget to breath while you're grining from ear to ear.



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You did great! very smooth, very controlled...just the way you want to be. Good landing too!


I wish they had a video of when I solo'd, then again, maybe its best that there's no record of it!





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lol thanks guys :) let's just hope the first traffic pattern goes as smoothly !

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Did my first solo flight last night. did a few pick ups and set downs with some pedal turns and hover taxi's. here is the clip of the VERY FIRST solo pickup taxi and set down !




I had 28.6 hours




SPECAILS THANKS Goes out to Palm Beach Helicopters for making this all possible !


Congrats!! Now wipe that grin off your face and get to work.... Rotorrodent

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Did my first patterns ! I taxi'ed to the runway and hover there for about a full minute trying to get the guts up to take off lol. but then i just said to myself "Ok, it's go time ! " and pushed the cyclic forward and once I hit about 10 knots I immediately thought wow, this really is not much different. haha, but over all it went amazing. perfectLY smooth and straight take off's and approaches were spot on, did not have to extend an approach. I just can't explain how hitting ETL for the first time solo feels, it was so amazing. course most of you know what I mean :)



Also, keep in mind that before starting my training, I had only been in a helicopter 1 time and that was for a 5 minute tour down the beach. Previous to that, i have never flown before, not fixed wing or anything. so taking off for me was a big deal lol

Edited by GmeisteR
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I immediately thought wow, this really is not much different.



Not much different except the extreme amount of power suddenly available! You can climb out at 1500fpm if you're not careful!

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yeah, I was more or less worried about the wind and how it would effect me. but the extra power is actually kinda of a nice comfort zone(at least to me it is). but yeah I just took off slow and controlled. I didn't try to take off like i normally would. I just eased forward on the cyclic without adding an collective and it worked out perfectly.

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Congrats GmeisteR! What a feeling doing the first solo, one really big milestone in many to come. Pat yourself on the back.

I just did my first solo XC flight on Friday morning (in an R22), now THAT really tests your knowledge and comfort! Best of luck as you continue your training!

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Yeah I two one- hour solos coming up one thursday and one friday, then next week i will be doing my first X-Country solo :D

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