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11.15.10 Dallas, Texas What was it?

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I was in downtown Dallas the other day and was on the top of a parking garage a block from baylor hospital when I noticed a black object between 500 and 750 feet off the deck approaching me from the center of the city. The helicopter appeared to be decending and then turned and headed due North toward Love Field (local airport) and I then saw this "helicopter" to be, in fact, 4 choppers which were either MD-500's or OH-6 Cayuses all black and no doors. The formation flew nose to tale, almost under tail, and at relatively high speed for their alititude. This was the day before the groudbreaking of the President George Bush Library at SMU so I assume it had something to do with that. Anyone else have an idea as to what this might be?

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I'm sure "they" were all just local private pilots flying in for a $1000 dollar hamburger. We always paint ships black and fly doors off, 4 in formation. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

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But goldy, don't you thing a bell 412 is more like a 5000 $ burger... ;)


Yeah, but it wasn't their money they were spending, it was ours!

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Thanks for all the responses! I forgot all about black water but I have seen some of their craft before down in Amarillo and I have also looked at some Google Earth views and I realized the low altitude cut across Love Field can also have been a air traffic avoidance maneuver that I've seen others perform en-route to Dallas Executive. The reason I suggest executive is that I have been to the Dallas Police Rotary Wing base and they have hanger space for 4-6 choppers (depending on size) as well as 4 side by side pads just outside. Take a look here if you have any interest:

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