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So I have been working in the flooring business for a while now, and I have come to the conclusion that I would much rather do some type of work in aviation. The problem is, I do not have a pilot's license. I have looked into working at the airport closest to me, but have not had much luck.


I really just want a job that will put me around what I enjoy the most. The other issue is that I am only a college sophomore (upcoming year), which gives me limited experience as far as schooling and work. I really just am looking for a direction to go in, but am having no luck. If there is anyone here who has any advice, I would appreciate it.



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Posted (edited)

Both line jobs I have had took me at least a month from the time I applied until the time they had an opening. Be patient and keep bugging them and you will find something. In the mean time just go hang out at the airport, maybe look into washing people's planes for them.

Edited by SBuzzkill

What are you doing in college regarding the classes you're taking? Have you thought about pursuing an A&P license as a mechanic. Or if you're into electronics, work toward your FCC license Operators have a tendency to hire individuals that are in school studying subjects that are similar to what they are applying for. Start training for the industry you are interested in than apply for work in a similar field. Would much rather hire a guy in school working toward a mechanics'/Avionics license to help out in the hanger than someone in school to be an IT administrator. Just some thoughts.

Best of luck to you!


I was in a similar position a little over 12 years ago. The Air Force hired me and let me spend plenty of time on the flightline. I have worked F-16's And F-15's and was engine run qualified on both, pretty good gig and great benefits! You might considder going the same route. They will pay for you to go to college too!


I am only a college sophomore (upcoming year),


You might want to look into an FAA approved college CTI program, which is simply a four year degree in Air Traffic Management (air traffic control)... Its not a career for the timid, however it offers Excellent benefits and retirement... Plus you are in the middle of the action and it was just named the second highest paying federal job, doctors are the highest paid. I was surprised to learn yesterday State Governors are paid less than the atc average.


Plus you'll earn enough to pay cash for your flying addiction.

Posted (edited)



I actually called them today and the woman at the front desk told me that the manager has not had time to go over the applications due to traveling, so I may be in luck! I am going to call back on Monday and actually contact the manager. I have to go to a Civil Air Patrol meeting soon (June 14th) and I will go early and stop in as well. As far as washing planes, how do you get close enough to do this? It isn't too big of an airport but I would figure that fact would make it easier. I will definitely keep at it. It encourages me that it took you a month or so to get in, considering it hasn't even been a month since I sent in my application.




That is pretty good advice. I have thought about it, but are those more of a technical school kind of degree or what? I am in school for business right now, but since I am an undergraduate it is still early. The thing is, I want to get a bachelors so I can apply to Coast Guard OCS after I graduate. Regardless of what happens, I plan to enter the Coast Guard, so I am not worried about a long-term career. I just want something to work in while I finish up college. I do like the mechanic route, but I'm not sure if I have the money or the time to get certified in that in time for it to matter for me.




I am assuming by this you mean you signed up for the Air Force? Or did you just do the work as a civilian? I would assume you enlisted since they paid for your college, but if not I am definitely interested! There is a major Air Force base near me (Dobbins Air Force Base), so that would be an amazing gig. But, if it requires enlisting, I will have to pass since I plan to go into the CG.




I actually looked into this route a while back, but like I mentioned above I do not plan to make a career out of anything. It is definitely something I would look into as far as a back-up plan, but that would be after my career in the military. Overall, no matter what happens I will go into the military in some branch to try and become a pilot, so paying for flight school is not an issue.


I appreciate all the tips and advice. I don't know what I would do without this forum!

Edited by eaw913
As far as washing planes, how do you get close enough to do this? It isn't too big of an airport but I would figure that fact would make it easier.


Put on a flight suit (that way it looks like you belong there), then walk up to them after they shut down with a squeegee in one hand and a bottle of Windex in the other. That's how the bums do it! :)


Yes, I know about every single Coast Guard program. In fact, I am in a debate about what I want to do. I know for sure I want to go into CG OCS and fly somehow. Even if it takes me a few years just to get to flight school, so be it. That is much expected considering the competitiveness of being a pilot in the CG.


The issue for me with CSPI is that they say it requires a 25% minority enrollment, which the college I am attending now has as well as the one I plan to transfer to after this next year. But, I looked at the actual CG website (gocoastguard.com) and it just gives links to the websites that have lists of colleges that qualify for the program and neither of mine are on any of the lists, so I am confused.


Also, I am partly waiting on them to list the new requirements for the updated version of Blue 21 (Wilks Flight Initiative)so I can see if I should just wait and try to go that route. I would by far much rather do this, considering it would send me straight to OCS and then on to flight school if I made it through, so it would be no doubt.


The third route would be to wait until I finish college and work a regular job, then once I graduate I will apply to OCS, which would basically be the same as CSPI but without the benefits.


I have been researching for a very long time, and I am trying to figure out what I can do. I have tried to get in touch with a recruiter, but since I am interested in becoming an officer and also 3 years away from that they don't show much interest in me yet. If anyone on this forum can give me some insight, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm also going to try and find CG Aviation based forum and see if I can get some insight.


I have been researching for a very long time, and I am trying to figure out what I can do. I have tried to get in touch with a recruiter, but since I am interested in becoming an officer and also 3 years away from that they don't show much interest in me yet. If anyone on this forum can give me some insight, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm also going to try and find CG Aviation based forum and see if I can get some insight.



The first thing you should do is call the local CG base commanders office and speak with his secretary, explaining your currently enrolled in college and your GOAL is to become a CG Officer and aviator. Ask the secretary if she knows of any pilots that could spend some time talking to you about aviation and a career in the coast guard. If she doesn't know of any pilots, I'm sure she'll pass along your request and since the request is coming from the commanders office, it will be responded too. Once you have an opportunity to meet an officer in person, ask them if you can have permission you follow up with them occasionally with any questions you might have. Just make sure you have several quality questions, you can't get answered online before calling. Make sure to always be polite and responsive to any questions the officer might ask you and keep in mind that at some point in the near future you'll be asking this officer for a letter of recommendation.


Also check with your college alumni association, checking to see if they have anyone listed that's currently a CG Officer and if they can put you in touch with them as this person could be a potential mentor, helping you achieve you goal.


Trust me when I say being three years away from graduation they are very interested in you. However you have to be persistent and followup on a regular basis.


As several people on this board know, I was awarded an ROTC scholarship. However since I was accepted to multiple schools, I was also offered several other scholarships and as such declined the ROTC scholarship. The reason I mention this, is because I know what it takes to secure both private and military funding for college and will tell you from first hand knowledge, they're looking at far more than your GPA, they're looking for leaders. If you haven't already been doing it, get involved in community service, school activities and student government.


I know it's hard work, but well worth the effort.


Good Luck


I have been planning to do this for quite some time, but I have trouble finding the nearest station to me that I could call. All I have really come up with is the CG Air Station that is down in Savannah, and it is about 4-6 hours away from where I am. I really would love to meet with an officer, especially a pilot, so this would be extraordinarily beneficial for me. Most of my questions are just needing advice, other than basic information. As I said, I know what I want I just need to figure out the path.


The alumni association is a fantastic idea that I have not thought about, so I will definitely do that. As I said I really just need a mentor and someone to share their ideas and advice with me so I can make the next move. I do not want to get down the road and regret that I never did something that could have helped me in the long run.


As far them being interested in me now, I guess three years really isn't that long. I have called my local recruiting station multiple times, left voice messages, and have even submitted 4 forms online requesting help/information in different areas but have not received any responses. The thing is, I really would just love to visit with a recruiter and discuss my goals and options (like I would if I visited with an officer) and see if they can help me choose a path that will work best for me. As far as getting in contact with one, should I just continue to call them until I hear back?


What branch of service was the ROTC scholarship for? Did you have any intention of going the military route or was that just something that happened to pop up for you? The funding is definitely a plus, but surprisingly is not the reason I want the scholarship at all. In fact, I would even go without the college funding just to be able to go straight to OCS following graduation. That is the biggest key for me right now, which is also why I want to find out what the new flight initiative will consist of. Even so, I see where you are coming from as far as what is needed to qualify. I played several sports in high school (wrestling, baseball, some track and field) and was a part of many community service organizations etc. My first year of college I did not do much, but I have been going through some family issues and really did not get much chance to be a part of anything. This coming year I plan to get involved a lot more. I am joining the Civil Air Patrol very soon and I am also looking into Coast Guard Auxiliary. There are many chances for community service in Atlanta, so I don't think it will be an issue.


Is there anything that really stands out for scholarships like this? The only thing I honestly worry about is having the 25% minority qualification. That is one thing I would like to discuss with a recruiter. And I can't agree with you more about it being worth the effort.


If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing now? Are you flying?


I appreciate the help.


Put on a flight suit (that way it looks like you belong there), then walk up to them after they shut down with a squeegee in one hand and a bottle of Windex in the other. That's how the bums do it! :)


Haha that's not too far off! The smaller airports are usually pretty accessible in fact lots of pilots would jog up and down the ramp in the evenings and we'd have barbeques in front of the MX hangar every once in a while.


Go ask the FBO if you can put up a flyer on their bulletin board. If that doesn't work just try and talk to guys about their planes out at the fuel pumps or in front of their T-hangars. Networking!


This one is not quite THAT small. It is actually the second largest airport in Atlanta (well, not necessarily largest, but second busiest). ;)


That is definitely an idea. I am going down there in a few days, and can at least check it out. I'm not sure if you can just walk out to the hangars/fuel pumps at this airport, but it is also worth asking. I am great at networking so it shouldn't be a problem. Also, the fueling job is very promising still so we will see how this goes.


Thanks for the help!


The FAA is hiring non-pilots, see links to job training for Air Traffic Control Specialists and the FAA's AT-CTI Program.


Easy....you apply online, go to Oklahoma for a few weeks, then go to work in a real airport tower. You must be age 31 or under.







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