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Night Vision Safety

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I was checking out the latest issue of Rotorcraft Pro, when I saw this ad;

NoIR Laser Glare Shields:

Protection Against Laser Pointer Strikes


I fly at night most of the time, and although I've never had the cockpit fill up with green light (like a pilot I saw on the News once), I have seen my share of lasers pointed up.


So,...do any of you have experience with these glasses, or any similar type of eye protection for this?


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I'm not sure why someone gave you a red 1 for this.. But whatever.


Most of the flying at night I do is under NVG. For the small amounts of unaided flying we do it's not really an issue. I've never even seen a LASER shined at me. Personally, I wouldn't wear any LASER protective eyewear since I already have glasses on it would be too much of a PITA... Maybe a visor.

Edited by SBuzzkill
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I'm in the same boat I wouldn’t use anything myself. I've been hit by a laser half a dozen times mostly flying ENG and a couple times in EMS, most of the time you can see the beam coming and have time to divert your eyes away from the laser. The best defense is simply to look away. As far as NVGs, if the laser is shined directly into the tubes on the NVGs, it has the potential to shut them down. One of the hits I received was 1 second after I flipped the goggles up. I think I was lucky! :)

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I'm not sure why someone gave you a red 1 for this.. But whatever


Evidently, I have a nemesis. :)


Anyway, I already wear Rx glasses when I fly, so putting on a pair with pink lenses to protect my eyes from a laser strike would be no big deal.


I was hoping that someone here had experience with them so they could say, "yeah, their great!" or, "don't bother, they suck!", but maybe they're too new for that yet?


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Anyway, I already wear Rx glasses when I fly, so putting on a pair with pink lenses to protect my eyes from a laser strike would be no big deal.


If you mostly fly at night and you've seen your share of lasers pointed up at you... better safe than sorry. You should buy them! You can write them off on next year's taxes! ;)

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