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OML Selection

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Have you seen the MH-60L DAP's? Those are some bad a** mofos. I just want to prove I can make a 60 dance, VFR, IFR, anything, so I can have a shot at flying with the 160th. I wanna get those spec ops boys in and out of the sh*t and let em know that they are worth it. That's my dream anyway.

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I like that idea! When it comes closer to the date you'll be in town, I'll try to get in contact with someone from the 160th to set something up where we could both visit. A fantasy visit for me, since I can't join the 160th as a female aviator, but the aircraft are top-of-the-line and so is the unit!

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Dudes and guns. Its sort of an anatomical thing. No faults there. Just gotta shoot stuff. Either way, flying a multi million dollar ass kicking bladed machine of swift death, guns or no, would be straight up legend-wait for it-DAIRY.


I believe it is spelled, "legendary." ;) Unless you know of some astronomically good-quality milk (in which case, let me know).

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Flying 60's has little to do with what you fly in task force, sometimes you get a choice, usually you dont. 60 time wont mean that you fly a DAP. Talk to a 160th pilot and get pointers on the oral eval, the flying eval, and youll want to learn the local flying area before then. They wont take you without at least one deployment and some experience/hours. Get stationed at Campbell or Lewis makes it all that much easier to test. Its more about character when it comes to 160th and who they select for green platoon. That's enough from me, there are way more experienced guys on here who can tell you about it. I would focus on graduating from flight school and stocking the fridge at your new unit first.

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Selection changes with every class. From what I've heard usually nooks go first, if they're even available, followed by Kiowas. Then seems to be a toss up between Hawks and Apaches. Have talked to some where people got stuck in the Hawk and recently talked to one who said the last six people got stuck with Apaches. Never know. Is a long time down the road for me with many steps before I get there.

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The last selection we had here, for the AD Warrants, had 2 64s and 2 58s end up at the bottom of the OML.


Strange sh*t. It changes every week, and you really cant plan for it.


Do your best, end up #1 (not hard :lol: ) and choose what you want.

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In flight school people are drawn to exclusivity. I only knew a couple who wanted Chinooks going in but by the time selection rolls around and everyone hears there are maybe only a few Chinook slots available for each class they become high demand. I assume that's the same reason people choose 58s because why else would you want to fly one of those? :D


To the original question, I chose Black Hawks at the top of the OML, and it had nothing to do with the 160th (leave it to VR to turn any discussion about the value of a helicopter into how much firepower it carries. :rolleyes:). But the good news is that's not very common, and there are usually plenty of Black Hawk slots to go around, so you have a pretty good shot at getting Hawks no matter what your position on the OML is.

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I chose 58s cause they are f*cking badass. Cheap, reliable, simple, and with minimal electronic nannies and systems. I get .50s, FFARs, and Hellfires, oh, and I get to shoot my M4 out of the cockpit. Boom.


Doors off at 80kts is something to behold. The mission is kickass.


Oh, and it takes maybe 2 minutes to run the whole startup and get the blades turning. :P



Anyway, about the Chinook drops, they are so rare that most people dont even plan on getting one. There was 3.5 months between the 47D drop last year, and the single 47F that dropped a week and a half ago.

Edited by akscott60
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