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are any companies hiring SIC pilots this season? anyone know the minimums for said positions?


columbia helicopters hired couple sic's for contract work in Afghanistan, pay is around 100k. i dont know the exact minimums but one i guy i know had less then 2000hrs TT and little to no turbine and got hired


1500 hrs....wow. when will these darn minimums come down!?


An operator can hire somebody with less than the minimums but the company will pay higher insurance rates for you, unless the requirements are mandated by the FAA , USFS or other agencies.

In 2007 I took my Cfii check ride with an examiner who was/is also chief pilot at a company that flies skycranes. The day before my check ride he hired a guy that has just passed his commercial ticket for a skycrane copilot position.




1500 hrs....wow. when will these darn minimums come down!?


1500 hrs doesn't seem too high considering the $100K+ pay with a 28/28 schedule. Even for a SIC position. That's some mad money.

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1500 hrs doesn't seem too high considering the $100K+ pay with a 28/28 schedule. Even for a SIC position. That's some mad money.


I think you meant "especially" for a SIC that is some mad money. Not sure with civilians, but it may be tax free too, or at least under a smaller tax bracket.


I think I could handle that schedule, and definitely the income... damn I need to get busy on my ratings!


It probably wouldn't be tax free. As the tax laws sit right now, you have to remain out of the country for 330 days out 365.


And where you will be based will be sporty to say the least.


I think you meant "especially" for a SIC that is some mad money. Not sure with civilians, but it may be tax free too, or at least under a smaller tax bracket.


I think I could handle that schedule, and definitely the income... damn I need to get busy on my ratings!


Rick1128 is right, unless you spend almost the entire year outside the US you pay normal federal income taxes. I was hoping that was not the case but unfortunately it is. I have heard the command pilots for Columbia are making $225,000 over there. They do issue you body armor.


I can tell you. Im over here. Molson pays a lot more money then Columbia. With Molson you have to have your Canadian CPL. Your only tax free for the first 94k. You have to be out of country for 365 days before that kicks in, then you can not spend any more then 34 days in country or it all will be taxed.


Molson aka Canadian Air has the most contracts, highest pay, and most helicopters out here.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I got good feedback from Mr. Wilson with Evergreen at Heli Expo job fair but have not heard back form them yet. Dropped by their headquarters last week, nice setup, the 747 waterslide was a surprise. I had a sit down with Columbia last week, hope to hear back soon.

Edited by 1HeliCFI

Molson is the best, I love those guys and gals. If you can get on with them take that one unless you just need the hours and cash flow. Every once in a while you see Ever Green, a very small foot print. Colombian, I refuse to take them. They cant read a tac chart to save there lives and dont follow required flight paths. They over shoot landing pads, funny right, its a helicopter. Since they do not follow required flight patch they like to fly over combat action and get shoot up. Very unsafe pilots with little or no skill. If they have skill then they dont need to be out here because fear and stress is causing them to make major life treating mastakes. As far as I know they all fly VFR day. So even if your hours are below what they are asking and you have a lot of VFR day flights you should be ok. Its kind of backwards from the oplats that want you to have majority VFR night flight time. If you need me to talk to the Molson guys let me know. Some are americans and I will get what I can for you.


EYW-MIA, which company are you with? I am FAA CPL so no Molson for me, it would be nice if it were as easy for FAA pilots to convert as it is for CAA/JAA to do so. I have emailed back and forth with a Columbia SIC and he is liking the job. Hope to be there soon.


I am a flight engineer for a Navy SOCOM contract. Not a pilot, yet. The only reason I am out here is because I have been saving money for flight school, well to pay all of flight school, have the reserves in the bank for my mortgage and utilities and wife's school. I am almost done, I have military benefits but the schools i am interested in dont take GI Bill. So I am going to A&P school while working on my license to use it up and get the housing allowance. I paid off all my debt already, so its just putting away cash.


100k for 6 months work out here is great. Do you stay out here when you are off for 28 or do they send you home or dubai?


If I get on with Columbia, or someone else, my plan is to come back to Seattle on my off time. Columbia pays to get their crews back and forth. Sounds like you are setting yourself up to be in great shape when you get out. Have you considered trying to go through Fort Rucker for training?


No way, I did 10 years in the service. The way the military is today is nothing like when I was in. I could not deal with it. I will pay cash out of pocket if I have to. I will have 200k for flight related stuff. I do not plan on using that but that is what i have set aside budget wise. I found two schools that have internships mixed in there program. They both take you up over 1000 hours. I am still in the process of finding out every thing I can. Professional Heli pilot internship programs is what they are called. Last resort If I had to then I would tuck my tail and run to fort rucker but only as a last resort. The price for these schools are the same as any other. They have the right idea though. Get your licenses you go out on our contract gigs with us build up experience and flight time and instruct. All schools that are large with out side contracted gigs should do that. then these people will not complain about having a license and not able to use it. I hope the schools pan out to be good. I messaged some friends about the school. we will see. I sent them a 3 page report/questioneer. So we will se what comes of it.

The uniforms, the crapy living locations, the low pay, the being told what to do and treated like a kid. After being out here as a civilian contractor living the good life. It would be very very very hard.


The pay at these schools seems to be minimal if to nothing. In my situation that is fine. I have the cash I need the time. For other people free labor I can see is a problem. Its smart on the companies behaf. It saves them money and they train you until they trust you. Very smart, very surprising more schools do not do it.


I wish but I could not afford the maintenance upkeep. I have been trying to talk my dad in to buying one instead of another airplane. So far no joy. He does not give a rats butt about helos. He was pissed when i went military instead of embry riddle. he was pissed I like helicopters over airplanes. there is just no pleasing that old man.

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