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R 44 needed for a business in CA

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Hi everyone,

Do you know of anyone in California that owns a R 44, and perhaps could be interested in making profit with it?

I have been working on this business venture, it is not just an idea. I have a business plan that I can show to interested potential investors. All I need is a partner who owns the helicopter, or at least has access to it.

I'm very passionate about this and I have absolutely no doubt about the profitability of this project. Please don't wait to contact me because such great opportunities don't wait for us.

Please send me a text and we can discuss about everthing.



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Not to sound like a schmuck, but even if I did, I'm not sure I would want to start a business with someone who can't even make proper sentences and use grammar over the internet.....


But good luck in your search!


From the only other post by this person they say they are Itallian. Taking that into account, their grammar in a second language is way better than I would imagine the vast majority of anybody else on this forum. W

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Anybody can buy a helicopter, lots have and ended up with nothing more than a huge debt. A successful business plan and contacts are also required.

In all my years of aviation fixed, rotary and otherwise, I have yet to see a successful business plan in aviation. I'm not so sure about your assertion that anyone can buy a helicopter. Maybe get financing, but outright buy ?

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If they have the helicopter, why do they need you ?


A lot people have extra properties such as cars, houses, vacation homes etc. that they actually never use. I am just asking for someone who owns the helicopter but not using it frequently. You know, like someone who forgot about their first car although they dont't want to sell it.


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I don't think all of the successful aviation businesses just came out if nowhere, buying a aircraft and just hoping you are going to be successful is not a very good idea IMO.

Aviation as a business has been one of fits and starts, there is money to be made here and there, but almost all will be tested with bankruptcy, or become insolvent at some point. The only exceptions I have seen are maybe FedEx and or UPS. Even they are struggling. Struggle is about the best that can be hoped for. If anyone ever sees the proverbial you making money in aviation, soon you will have competition more than enough to strangle any profit right out of the equation. It' just my observations. Maybe you can enlighten me otherwise.

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Aviation as a business has been one of fits and starts, there is money to be made here and there, but almost all will be tested with bankruptcy, or become insolvent at some point. The only exceptions I have seen are maybe FedEx and or UPS. Even they are struggling. Struggle is about the best that can be hoped for. If anyone ever sees the proverbial you making money in aviation, soon you will have competition more than enough to strangle any profit right out of the equation. It' just my observations. Maybe you can enlighten me otherwise.


All too often, a helicopter enthusiast, slash entrepreneur, attempts to break into the business just because… Hence, the failure, slash, bankruptcy rate. These folks invest in a machine without the business which is bass-ackwards. Others with a supposed “business plan” often fail as well, due to their limited imagination slash experience and green-backs.


There is a proven successful formula out there given the right circumstances. Albeit most of that circumstance has to do with cash….. in any case, the formula is safe until the right circumstance presents itself but until then, this industry will run through many more enthusiast slash entrepreneurs......

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Aviation as a business has been one of fits and starts, there is money to be made here and there, but almost all will be tested with bankruptcy, or become insolvent at some point. The only exceptions I have seen are maybe FedEx and or UPS. Even they are struggling. Struggle is about the best that can be hoped for. If anyone ever sees the proverbial you making money in aviation, soon you will have competition more than enough to strangle any profit right out of the equation. It' just my observations. Maybe you can enlighten me otherwise.


There has got to be a communication breakdown or some trolling going on here. I hope it is the first option. Either way, I'm not going to list all of the profitable aviation companies in my area.


If you are a pilot, working towards being a pilot, or thinking about becoming a pilot and really believe what you posted then you might want to reconsider occupations. A person continuing in an endeavor that they believe is going to fail, IMHO, isn't making wise decisions. Unless you happen to work for UPS or FedEx,which (and I have solid intel on this...) just might be the only two companies that are gonna make it.

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Thanks for everyone participating in this topic,

I am not talking about big business venture like international or anything like that. It will be as local as it could be and it will be very exclusive, private to a certain market.

I myself know it would work I just need a connection to interested investors.

If you know of anyone who owns R 44 and would want to seek making profit with it, without the hassle of running the business by themselves, please let me know.

Thanks again,


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There has got to be a communication breakdown or some trolling going on here. I hope it is the first option. Either way, I'm not going to list all of the profitable aviation companies in my area.


If you are a pilot, working towards being a pilot, or thinking about becoming a pilot and really believe what you posted then you might want to reconsider occupations. A person continuing in an endeavor that they believe is going to fail, IMHO, isn't making wise decisions. Unless you happen to work for UPS or FedEx,which (and I have solid intel on this...) just might be the only two companies that are gonna make it.


For the last 15 years I have been on the part 91 side. I have seen many part 91 operations fold, at my home base and other away from home bases, and pilots out hustling contract, and hand to mouth. Also Silver State comes to mind. This past Sunday I was flying into KHOT, and saw 10 to 12 Delta airplanes in mothballs there. 3 turboprops, the rest regional jets. I'm sure what you say is true about aviation businesses in your area, I just haven't seen many long term profitable ones in my travels. Also, totally honestly I have yet to see a sure fire profitable (strictly) aviation business plans in my career.

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I also am in Cali looking for a R44 for heli business. (pop-out floats and cargo hook would be icing on the cake). I have a decent list of clients ready to put some money down for helicopter work. I too feel I have great ideas and solid ventures that will turn some rotors for at least the summer, if not more. Got biz plan, private ranch and barn (no airport BS), no competition nearby yet, and diverse levels of income. Would love to fly off somebodies last few hours till overhaul then deliver it for them. If you have leads please let me know. PM me or email at LTpilot14@gmail.com

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The probelm is that it takes 2 million dollars just to make one million.

In my many years and many hours logged in aviation, that has been my observation, and experience.

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