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It's Go Time

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Hello All,


I've done a brief introduction on here but thought I would throw up a quick update for everyone. I have been in school and finally graduated with my BS in CJ, cum laude to boot.... and I will be putting together a packet for the Sept 12 Boards. I have been running and hittin the gym and i'm down 30 lbs I feel good but now it's time to turn it all up a few notches. Now that school is out of the way I will be studying for the AFAST...or the SIFT from what i hear... and all that good stuff and I guess we will see how it all goes in September. Should be a few fun months in front of me here. Wish me luck.



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It's already been fun, getting back in the gym, pushing myself...i just cant wait to take the physicals and see what i can do on the PT tests.. I think i have a really good shot as long as i can perform on these written tests. We Shall See

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Thanks... I think I have a really good chance based on what i've seen...but you never know.

I think you do, too.

To address the last part, you're right. I've thought about my own chances and come to the realization that if I don't get picked up first/second look, I can just keep improving myself.

I believe that the progression of working to become the ideal candidate, also leads me on the road to be the ideal version of myself.

I'll be submitting my packet before finishing my BS in ME. If I'm picked up, awesome, I can finish my degree as a progress as an aviator. If I don't get picked up, I'll finish my degree and look even better in a couple of years (I have the time age-wise). I intend to complete my degree by the time I am finished with my flying career, and am happy to have the opportunity to drop a packet at this point as-is.

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I'll be submitting my packet before finishing my BS in ME. If I'm picked up, awesome, I can finish my degree as a progress as an aviator.


How do you plan on doing that? Serious question, because I would love to do the same, but I've found very few schools that offer any kind of online engineering undergrad degrees. If you have a plan already I'd love to copy it.

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How do you plan on doing that? Serious question, because I would love to do the same, but I've found very few schools that offer any kind of online engineering undergrad degrees. If you have a plan already I'd love to copy it.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I wouldn't attempt completing the ME degree, I'd switch to some other online available degree while active duty. Possibly something medical as a base for biomedical engineering later after the Army.

I'm interested in biomechatronics, prosthetics like Luke's hand at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. In 20 years, I hope the technology being pioneered by MIT is more common-place. That's enough off-topic specifics about me.

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