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MD 600 crash

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Hello all....

There has been a recent fatal crash in south of France, involving an MD600N ....the tail has been found 200 meters from airframe, and there is a strong suspicion of an inflight tail boom separation.

Does somebody amongst the "MD people" have ever heard about such an occurence or at least a "near miss" on this type of helicopter ?  


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From what I heard, and remember this is second hand, it looks like the guy got into a low and slow scenario and the machine tucked back in under itself, same sort of problem that has happened previously.


If I find out more will post it.


Heli Ops

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Several years ago the 520's were grounded due to the structure around the bolts holding the tailboom on were cracked. One operator during preflight was able to move the tailboom!


MD never really beefed up that area for the extra forces. I wonder if this may be happening with the 600's?


Of course if a manuever like what was tried in Florida was done...

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Thank you for your replies, in our "old" europe, this type of helicopter is not very often seen , your comments and your returns of experience are very valuable to those trying to know what happened. :thumb:
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Oh, yes md600 driver, it's "our" same old europe, I havn't been in the GB since 1991...and most of all, I use to spend most of my time iover (and in !) the "dark continent".

I just wasn't aware of such a number of 600's in the UK.

I'm trying to get infos on that accident following a thread on the french website "radiocockpit" (technique-forum) where one of the relative of the deceased pilot desperatly would like to know...

Good flights


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Thank you for your advice HeliMark,  be sure I don't intend to investigate at all on that matter, I have been in this profession for long enough and also known similar situations where gossips and false info can do a lot of harm.

I also know the limitations and dangers of an internet forum.

As I have previosly explained, my purpose is purely to try to support somebody who was a close relative of one of ours.

I'm sure you understand.

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CJ Eliasen,

Actually I know very little about this crash.

I'm not in France and it's by the reading of a forum that I've known this event that have occured around the 10th of June in south of France.

It's also by the way of internet that I'm trying to collect informations following an internet help request by one of the pilot's close relative.

I don't have the knowledge of the particular detail you are stating....and therefore ,neither do I  know wether it's linked to the same crash.

Thank you for your interrest  :)

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