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Packet Submission Deadlines

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Can anyone tell me what the deadline dates are for packet submission for the Sept Civilian board as well as the Nov Civilian board?


I've been able to find, what I believe is the active duty dates:


To be on Sept board it says you must have had your packet submitted by 16 Aug I believe, which is today.


To be on Nov board its says you must have packet submitted by 20 Sept.


My recruiter tells me... "I don't have access to know when those dates are, only Battalion level. Once
we complete it at Battalion then I would have better knowledge." ... which I find hard to believe.


Are the active duty and civ board dates the same, if not, any idea what those deadlines for packet submission are?


Thanks for the replies!!


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Negative Sir. He's a civilian and those board dates and deadlines are for Active Duty.


Rwfoxjr- check with your recruiting Battalion to get the civilian USAREC packet deadlines; they should have them. I have a sheet with all the deadlines for FY13 (SEP 6 cutoff for the September board). Don't know about NOV because I never asked for the FY14 sheet. For the civilian boards, the general rule is that the cutoff is about 10 days before the board (although for the 15 July board I think the cutoff was 3 July).

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I wish. Unfortunately that entire website is geared entirely towards Active Duty Warrant Recruiting, with the exception of this single page: http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/warrant/prerequ/woft.shtml


But those dates (which encompass other WO MOS' that civilians are ineligible for, are AD deadlines).

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Civilian applicants have a deadline of 10 business days before Board date. Board date is on a Monday so compute correctly.. You can update your packet up to the day before the board starts (Friday) but there is no guarantee it will get processed in time.

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I wish. Unfortunately that entire website is geared entirely towards Active Duty Warrant Recruiting, with the exception of this single page: http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/warrant/prerequ/woft.shtml


But those dates (which encompass other WO MOS' that civilians are ineligible for, are AD deadlines).


So are those dates the same board dates for civilians? Just the deadline submission date is different?

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So are those dates the same board dates for civilians? Just the deadline submission date is different?

Yes and no, haha. I wish it was more simple. Typically the board dates line up. There have been cases in the past though where the AD board schedule shows a cancelled board, but yet they still hold it for civilians. Doesn't mean it'll always be that way, but I would still recommend going through your recruiter and battalion for the official info.

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