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500 hr+ CFII seeks long term position

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500+ hour helicopter CFII looking for a permanant long term position.   I would like to make a career of instructing, and I am seeking a company to settle down with long term.


If you have any info or can offer me a position in your flight school please e mail helicfii@earthlink.net.  If you know a school that may be looking please post under here - I would be most grateful.

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I'm just adding a recommendation for CFII. I trained with him through CFII (we did our checkrides on the same day, matter of fact). He is an energetic, switched-on, keen and affable person, and a good stick who would bring a lot to any school. If you want more info, PM me here!



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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello CFII, Congragulations on your new job.  I just finished my CFI training at Vortex Helicopters in Mississippi, and I need to know where to look for a job.  I was wondering what part of the country you found your job in?  I am willing to go across the country, so let me know where to look.  Thanks
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...thanks John for your kind words.  I hope I can return the favour one day.


No worries, and I hope you don't have to!  :;):

May the East treat you well (and enjoy the first winter you've had in a while, heh heh).

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