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I spoke with a CW4 aviator to see if he would provide me with a LoR. He agreed, but told me to write it and he would make what changes he thought he needed to and sign it. Does anyone have an example they would be willing to share? Or can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried google, but I couldn't find anything specific.

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I spoke with a CW4 aviator to see if he would provide me with a LoR. He agreed, but told me to write it and he would make what changes he thought he needed to and sign it. Does anyone have an example they would be willing to share? Or can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried google, but I couldn't find anything specific.

You saw this?



Probably the key part of this (even if it 2009--it is a big Army trend) is they don't want overly flowery (quantifiable is the goal if at all possible). There will be subjective parts as your character is a qualifiable portion.


Also: http://www.slideshare.net/miltondejesus92/wo-brief-2013new (start at slide 27) (and there should this year's version of the brief on the USAREC website...or somewhere--I didn't search it.


And lastly, google "warrant officer recommendation letter" and then click on the images tab and start perusing.

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On this note, I spoke with the ARNG recruiter I've been in touch with today and she told me it's fine to have the letters sent directly to me. I didn't find anything saying otherwise. And I assume letters from current members of the military are still supposed to be submitted with the USAREC Form 3.3, even if no longer or never chain of command?


Also I see that the LORs need to be current within a year. Is this true on the guard side as well, or will I need to check with every states WOSM that I am looking at to see what they want?




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