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Hello, sorry nerves are killing me today is January 13, 2020 and its the start of a 4 day board, was wondering when should i expect results im on the civ side of the woft.

2 hours ago, LordByron423 said:

The Nov. board met on the 18th, and I got an email on Nov 21st. So typically 3 days.

Expect to see something starting maybe tomorrow or the 16th

Best of luck to us all.

alright thankyou!!!

14 hours ago, Minnrai said:

remember reading that milper comes out the following Wednesday, so the 22nd.. Also heard civilians find out earlier.

yeah im CIV so hopefully today my nerves are killing me

45 minutes ago, CrayonEater said:

I made it. Long time lurker, this is my first post on this site but I was just called by my recruiter and results are out

Congratulations. I'm losing my mind. Assuming you're a civilian?


As for my stats,Ā 

Age: 27




LORs: Former instructor at civilianĀ job, College Professor, Congressman.

Other info: Prior Service USMC ATC. College- 4.0 at my current University, set to graduate in Summer or possibly Spring now with this news. 3.825 GPA at my previousĀ Junior College. 31.5 hrs flight time towards PPL. Eagle Scout. Probably missing some stuff but I have to leave for work in a few mins


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