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Accredited Universities that offer a Helo Program?

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University of North Dakota has one, ERAU is working on one in Daytona and has a minor in Arizona, and there's a college in Oregon that offers a degree and Glacier Aviation in WA has an agreement with a college.  Also Embry-Riddle has a professional aeronautics degree, where they will give something like 36 credit hours for your helo experience.  I hope I've helped.
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Hey ViperKiller,

Utah Valley State College provides distance learning degrees through several flight schools. If no school near you currently offers it, maybe try to convince them to hook up with UVSC - looks like it makes financing easier for students through the school and they offer AA,AS, and BS degrees. I don't know much more about the details, here's the link:



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It is my understanding that the program at UND is linked to ROTC so it is not available unless you are going military. SDSU in Brookings,SD has a good program offering degrees in aviation and is adding helicopter for the '05-'06 school year.


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Hey all,


The UVSC program is aviation. Your online courses are fixed wing based and you still have to do the helicopter ground school portion at your flight school. The plus side is your getting College credit for your flight hrs and more fin options.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't posted this sooner, I've been away from this site too long.

We will start working on the program at SDSU in Brookings,SD in May. As soon as I have solid information I will post it asap. Right now it looks like we will have the helicopter training program up and running by the start of school this fall using the Hughes/Schweizer helicopter.



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I am at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. They have a fixed wing program affiliated with Delta airlines. The main reason I decided to go to this school was because they said that they would let me train in helicopters after i got the fixed wing rating i wanted. I had my private fixed wing when i got to college and then got my instrument, next I started doing my commercial helicopter at Plymouth Airport. I am the first kid at my school to do helicopter training. We would like to get more students so we can start a program like delta has. The school is great and the tuition is cheap because its a state school, which is good when flying costs so much. The school has been very cooperative with me in setting up pretty much my own program and its been fun. let me know if you have any questions.

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So it appears my vision uncorrected could be as bad as 20/200 - I still think there is some mistake but I haven’t gone in to check. So it looks like Warrant officer is out of the question. I've had some trouble getting a Career Training loan, so now its time to consider schools affiliated with Universities/colleges that are eligible for TitleIV and standard student loans.


So far the only combination I've seen that I cared for was USVC and Upper Limit. I have to say I'm not sold on taking the ground school for fixed wings. I'm not afraid of it but I don't like the idea of spending the money. Although a lot of jobs I've seen did prefer fixed wing ratings as well as rotary. Does anyone know if you have to get all the fixed wing certifications to complete the program or do the Helicopter Certifications count? Or neither?


In the USVC section, Upper Limit is saying that you can complete the Flight training in 6 Months. My understanding was that the Disbursement schedule for standard student loans was a problem in that they would only disburse 10-15K a year. Is this not the case?


Anyone have opinions on Upper Limit Aviation? I've scanned this thread a few times but I have not found any Rotary specific College programs - correct me if I'm wrong.

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"Does anyone know if you have to get all the fixed wing certifications to complete the program or do the Helicopter Certifications count? Or neither?"


Adam, according to Dr. Smart at UVSC, the ground school is fixed wing based and the flight portion can be either fixed or heli. If you are in Heli training you will have to complete the heli ground portion with your CFI. To complete the degree you will have to do ALL the college ground courses, but you only have to complete a commercial rating far as ratings go to graduate. Dr. Smart said that you will sub the COOP hrs to cover other flight ratings.



"My understanding was that the Disbursement schedule for standard student loans was a problem in that they would only disburse 10-15K a year. Is this not the case?"


Alternative Loan Release Form


This form says you only recieve funds once for each flight course. And, issued in $10K increments.



"I've scanned this thread a few times but I have not found any Rotary specific College programs - correct me if I'm wrong."


Georgia Aviation Tech

I read somewhere that Embry and some others were working on Heli programs. Wallace College in AL had a course, but I don't know if they still do?



"So it appears my vision uncorrected could be as bad as 20/200 "


Army Aeromedical Sight



Good Luck!!

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The Georgia Tech program looks almost too good to be true. $145/hr for Dual? Too bad they are flying 300s. At least they should have some information on their Placement rate. It seems like a lot of schools hesitate to give that information out. I've not flown a 300 but the Governor on the Beta sure does leave you one less thing to worry about. I suppose if I were able to get out at 160Hrs and have spent $30K I could get CFI, Insturment, and 50 Hrs for SFAR73 in a R22 somewhere else. Although it sure does make things more complicated.
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  • 1 month later...

New school in Bend, Oregon. Hooked up with Central Oregon Community College. The School is called Leading Edge Aviation. Great weather, Beautiful place to live.

Phone# (541) 383-8825

Edited by bellpilot
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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to ERAU in Daytona. That program is excellent in Prescott. Me and a couple instructors who were former helo drivers tried to lobby and bring the minor to Daytona my senior year. Unfortunately, Prescott is a little more forward thinking than Daytona is. Good luck with that man!

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