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DOD may request higher age limit-for flight too??


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I cant read the article, too lazy to sign up for nytimes... I am guessing that the article talks about increasing age limit cut-offs for military pilots, meaning they will allow older people to join as Warrant officers etc... not cutting off younger applicants.


I doubt the FAA would change anything in civil aviation because of that...  but thats an assumtion based on what I think is in the article, since I am too lazy to read the whole thing  :D

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  • 3 months later...
Has anyone heard how that might affect the other branches? The article only mentions Army active and guard units. Right now at 27, I have my private rating and a bachelor's degree and I'd love to fly for Uncle Sam. Even though I plan on turning in my warrant officer packet into the Army it sure would be nice to have more options. It appears that my time has come and gone for the other branches.
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I tried to fly for the Army (as a flight instructor) but it did not work out because I don`t have a Green Card. Maybe the Army is not as desperate as I thought otherwise they might have helped me getting a work permit.





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Hey all,


I posted the age update awhile back. The warrant limit is age 33 with out a waiver by board convening date. In the article they keep using the word "recruit" that means enlisted persons. Candidate could be warrant or officer. But hey, the press is reporting this so I might not be correct.


153A Aviation age increase definition clarified to be:

"If you do not turn 33 years old prior to the board start date, you do NOT need the Age Waiver."


And, according to CW4 Lynch Chief for Aviation WOFT from Ft. Rucker, active duty selection rate for civilians is 1:3. He also said, selection rate is slightly higher in the Guard/Res.


Regards, former USAF

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Hey Klas,


You can drop this Warrant a line by email. It may take a day or two for him to get back with you. I have heard "RUMORS" of up to age 38 with prior service or a Mas or PHD.



CW4 AP Lynch for active duty questions.




Mrs. Tinier or Ms Prewitt at USARCOM. or USARC at 1-800-325-4898.


They will point you in the right direction.




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Hey Klas,


You can drop this Warrant a line by email. It may take a day or two for him to get back with you. I have heard "RUMORS" of up to age 38 with prior service or a Mas or PHD.



CW4 AP Lynch for active duty questions.




Mrs. Tinier or Ms Prewitt at USARCOM. or USARC at 1-800-325-4898.


They will point you in the right direction.




Thanks, mechanic !

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What was the oldest they have taken ?

When I was active duty we had a guy that was 37 when selected.  Mind you he had 17 years in a ranger battalion, numerous leadership roles, E-7, and had one of his letter of recomendations from the commander of the 160th aviation special operations unit.  That was the only one I personally saw or heard of that was older than what they wanted.

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