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Any Enstroms, F28A, F28C, 280C's for sale

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Tomlinson Aviation has a 280 for sale in Florida.  It looks pretty nice!



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I could be wrong but when I was shopping for a 280 I didn't see anything reasonable until about the 165K mark. Anything less then that looked like it would need major work with in 100 to 200 hours and you would end up spending more than what you would saved by paying a little more up front. Two old cliche's.... "you get what you pay for" and "buyer beware!"
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Yes, I agree with both cliches. I know from my looking around that I have found the cheaper ones to have undocumented damage or fixed up by AP's trying to make a buck. The later meaning cheapest way to get it flying. There seems to be a couple of good deals out there but go so fast that when they hit trade-a-plane they are gone the same day. I am so glad a person can look at the NTSB accident database and find these machines were in accidents, because the logbooks do not show it. Did you buy a 280, helidoc?
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As far as things to watch for on the 280 and the F28, the most important thing is the engine. Make sure the compressions are all close. Other things included the elastomerics on the main rotor and the tail rotor bearings. Put it on a Chadwick and make sure the tracking is good. This can point to things as simple as adjustments needed or problems with the dampers or main rotor bearings. Cosmetics are not as important but can give a clue to how the bird has been cared for. Get a good mechanic you trust to go over it and the books before you buy.

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