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Another Silver State Question

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Ive been lurking here for the past few months and I am about to commit to training.  I live in Austin, tx so my training options are very limited.  


Im looking for opinions from prior Silver State trainee's.  Basically I am trying to wade thru the mass of information/misinformation about SSH.  Any current information concerning the post employment talk or bad training experiences would be greatly appreciated.




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Helicopter Experts is just north of San Antonio... they have a great location and pretty nice aircraft too.  I did a couple hours in an R22 with the owner last year.
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Helicopter Services is just north of Houston. I've been a student at 2 schools and would recomend Helicopter Services to anyone. It seemed a little expensive to me at first but it is worth the money. You get quality 1 on 1 CFI time on the ground and quality flight time. WWW.helisev.com . I have never heard anything good about SSH even from former students.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Helicopter Services is just north of Houston. I've been a student at 2 schools and would recomend Helicopter Services to anyone. It seemed a little expensive to me at first but it is worth the money. You get quality 1 on 1 CFI time on the ground and quality flight time. WWW.helisev.com . I have never heard anything good about SSH even from former students.


not to start a flame session, but who do you know that graduated from SSH? every school you get 1 on 1 flight time, you can't fly without it. General statement that basically just places it in your perspective. Not only that the school you put down address does'nt even work.

SSH has a senminar for a reason, basically to tell you who they are. I've gone, loved it and enjoyed the time spent there. Did I apply no...but then again i've gone to other flight schools where the guys running it are pricks.

Nothing is ever perfect and if your looking for something that is then your going to be looking for a long time. Yet if its something you want to do, then research it, because it obviously going to be a financial investment on your part. There are not enough i guess the term is qualified flyers with a good attitude and that was something i was looking for. When i do decide to make the commitment I'll make with all the fact as i suggest you do as well..



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not to start a flame session, but who do you know that graduated from SSH? every school you get 1 on 1 flight time, you can't fly without it. General statement that basically just places it in your perspective. Not only that the school you put down address does'nt even work


Sorry, www.heliserv.com.  My CFII now graduated from SSH and quit instructing there because it was a joke.  He took a huge pay cut to come instruct at helicopter services.  I went to a school in Oregon which the CFI's seemed like they never had time for me.  Thats not quality 1-on-1 time.  Also, I had a CFI that did most of my ground school for instrument training in the helicopter.  Thats not quality flight time.  I am sure SSH worked for many students, but I have read a lot of negative things about the school.  Jason (chubby) was just asking for an opinion and I was letting him know mine.

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Wildchubby-this was posted on another website forum.  Seems SSH is not well received.  Check it out.....


Be careful, don't commit to anything....and don't give them ALL of $ upfront.  Hope this helps....


Yesterday I heard an advertisement on the local country music channel for the SSH seminar on professional helicopter flight training. I called up and put my name on the list since I live here and am very curious.


My question is.....I have heard a bunch of stuff about SSH. Can anyone give me some insight and advice. They said in the ad that all of your flight training monies were defered until 6 months after you finish and become employed. THIS SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.....ANY INFO?


Please post here or email me offline with any info. I want to know the truth and make an informed decision. Thank you.




Subject: Reasons why 87% of SSH students wash out



1. Run out of $ before they can even solo.2. Totally frustrated at flying only once every two weeks, and with a different CFI each time.3. Realize their current job pays twice what they'll ever make in the helicopter industry.4. They believe all the negative sh!t posted on this board.



Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas



18 mo deferment on loan. if u finish in 12 mo, then u hv another 6 mo to pay. if it takes u longer, loan is due in 18 mo.



Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas



Does "PYRAMID SCAM" mean anything to you!!If you beleive the BS nothing I say will change your mind but think:If it takes over 57K to get 175 hrs thus = $325.00The average price per hour w/instructor is $220 so lets do the math: $220 x 175 hrs = $38500. If this disparity does not ring a bell even with the minutia (books, etc) then go forth and become a proud sewerstater!!!!!!!!!!!! oh don't forget the crash of the month club oh and 100K helicopter jobs - not even close!- enough said



Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas



Oh crap here we go again.Research the NTSB website.Talk to other flight schools about their training programs.Don't pay money upfront.Beware of anywhere that 'guarantees' you employment after you have finished training.Ask yourself:"Where are 100 or so instructors going to be employed locally around here?"DO NOT be in a hurry to sign away $60,000 or whatever it is now without doing thorough and complete research.Good luck.



Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas



Go to the meeting. Take notes. Ask a lot of questions, and don't sign up for anything until you receive all the facts.



Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas



Ask all the questions you want...Jerry will just tell you what you want to hear. I know people that started over 18 months ago and still don't have their CFI's. These are not stupid students either. It is a slow process there...



Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas



Yes its a slow process, but it can be done faster if the student works hard. SSH ground school is is the main pace restricting problem. You can fly as often as you want, generally. As a SSH student you will be given a minimum of a two day a week flight schedule, but if your job is flexible, you can get in more flights per week if your available. This is not a "full time" program, it is part time, centered around a working person. Thats why it takes a while. If you want a "get it done fast" school than SSH is probably not for you.

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. If you want a "get it done fast" school than SSH is probably not for you.


this is probably the best statement out of all of that...100k jobs...you know and i know its possible after time, and to be honest its realistic. Just check any salary wizard or U.S. Labor stats.  Are you going to get those jobs? well considering how many people get licences for helicopters a year, if you went to college insert supply and demand chart.

I'm still amazed that even if you get paid 50k to fly a year people still bitch. Seriously some people need an attitude check and be happy they have a job that they enjoy to do. If you don't like it then why the #### are you even in the cockpit. Might consider stepping back for a second and look at the dots on the highway going to work for other people.


Then again truck drivers make that too but they also spend that much on the truck and never are home.


From my understanding they also fired virtually EVERYONE at SSH that was in the higher positions becasue they were not getting the job done. I'm sure like in any company if this lot does'nt step up, then they will do the same without hesitation.


Oh sorry i'm a investor/SBO so i look at everything like that. God bless capitalism, but basically they are the ones it seems putting the money out there to open locations and get the students. So with every change there is negitive and a positive.


1 on 1 is good if your used to the public education, but personally having a range of people is also good too...why? becasue if you learn from only one person your more likley to learn from their mistakes if you know what i mean.  ::thanks::

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Yes its a slow process, but it can be done faster if the student works hard. SSH ground school is is the main pace restricting problem. You can fly as often as you want, generally. As a SSH student you will be given a minimum of a two day a week flight schedule, but if your job is flexible, you can get in more flights per week if your available. This is not a "full time" program, it is part time, centered around a working person. Thats why it takes a while. If you want a "get it done fast" school than SSH is probably not for you.

I'm not sure who the unregistered guest is, but this statement is not accurate. I've spoken with many current and former SSH students and the biggest recurring compaint was lack for flying time, many only getting on the schedule once every week or two. I've talked with 80-100 hour students that still did not have their PPL, and with 60+ hour students that had yet to solo. Students that have to go in late at night and early in the morning just to get simulator time. Doesn't sound like a training schedule that would make me happy. However, just to be fair, there are probably some SSH locations that are smaller with enough helicopters on the ramp to make everyone happy.



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thanks Doug, but i guess what i'm asking is;

what is the likelyhood of getting hired on with ssh after completion of the program? it all seems too good to be true (as stated in the seminar i attended) that all of the training is deferred untill 6 mos. after you certify and start woking for them.they also stated that they have hired everyone they had trained but one. the time involved dosen't bother my, i don't need the job, i need to fly!! and as ten year army vet and business owner i am confident in my abilities to accomplish the training i just don't need someone to BS me into a debt for nothing.

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In speaking with some of thier students, what I was told was yes, SSH will hire a student upon graduation, but there was no guarantee as to the number of students, or hours of work, that you would get. SSH has over 200 students at their Sacramento location, do you really think that they will need 200 new CFI's there in the next two years? Being a CFI doesn't do anyone any good if they have no students to teach.



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Which could be another reason they are opening so many schools. Not many people want to be a CFI for the rest of their life, so when they get the hours they need to get a good job, they leave. I also remember hearing somewhere that the CFI's also clean the facilities and make sure everything flows smoothly, not just teaching in helicopters. I also recall that you may not get hired on at the location you were trained, but they always have a position open at one of their school locations. The whole program when you learn to fly is considered your interview. Like they say at the seminar, you can't hide yourself being an a-hole for that long, it will come out sooner or later. They don't hire a-holes, because no one wants to work with them. That's why they said they hired all but one.


If you're concerned about getting hired after you've graduated the program, then do better than the person next to you. That may also help you choose the location where you can work.


I'm not a student nor do I teach at SSH, so my information may be a little off. I do plan on attending SSH once I graduate High School.


Best of luck,

- Robert

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"Guest" - Sounds like you are not as familiar with aviation as you seem to think.  First of all, it is true that a lot of students quit for lack of money, but also there are many that want to fly without thinking about all the "book learning" that has to happen.  They are just not dedicated enough.  Along that same vein, anyone who thinks that pilots fly for a living for the money is crazy.  Almost any good job out there pays better than a pilot, at least for the first many years.  Flying with a different CFI every time can be an inconvenience, but certainly should not be a major problem to anyone who wants to fly.  


Learning to fly requires committment and dedication.  If you don't have it - it ain't gonna happen!!


Your math is not at all inclusive.  I don't know where you got 175 hours, but to instruct in Robinsons, you have to have at least 200 hours in the 22 and the 44.  Just because a commercial and CFI rating only requires 150 hours, that does not mean that the average student got his license at the minimum required time from private to commercial to instrument to CFI. Then there is the instrument instructor rating you get and the external load lifting, etc.  All of this is in that 60K price you referenced.  You need to take another look at your numbers.

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I am an SSH student I received my PPL in September, and am close to getting my CPL and Instrument ratings.

The training has taken longer than I expected, but overall I am happy.  Students ahead of me are getting hired.  The students that just started recently are soloing much sooner than I did.

When I started, we only had two R-22s so flight time was hard to come by. Now we have at least a dozen aircraft, and I could fly everyday if I wanted to.  If anyone has any questions about my experiences with SSH feel free to e-mail me off list.




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  • 6 months later...
<font color='#000000'>Wildchubby-this was posted on another website forum.  Seems SSH is not well received.  Check it out.....


Be careful, don't commit to anything....and don't give them ALL of $ upfront.  Hope this helps....


Yesterday I heard an advertisement on the local country music channel for the SSH seminar on professional helicopter flight training. I called up and put my name on the list since I live here and am very curious.


My question is.....I have heard a bunch of stuff about SSH. Can anyone give me some insight and advice. They said in the ad that all of your flight training monies were defered until 6 months after you finish and become employed. THIS SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.....ANY INFO?


Please post here or email me offline with any info. I want to know the truth and make an informed decision. Thank you.




Subject: Reasons why 87% of SSH students wash out

1. Run out of $ before they can even solo.2. Totally frustrated at flying only once every two weeks, and with a different CFI each time.3. Realize their current job pays twice what they'll ever make in the helicopter industry.4. They believe all the negative sh!t posted on this board.

Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas

18 mo deferment on loan. if u finish in 12 mo, then u hv another 6 mo to pay. if it takes u longer, loan is due in 18 mo.

Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas

Does "PYRAMID SCAM" mean anything to you!!If you beleive the BS nothing I say will change your mind but think:If it takes over 57K to get 175 hrs thus = $325.00The average price per hour w/instructor is $220 so lets do the math: $220 x 175 hrs = $38500. If this disparity does not ring a bell even with the minutia (books, etc) then go forth and become a proud sewerstater!!!!!!!!!!!! oh don't forget the crash of the month club oh and 100K helicopter jobs - not even close!- enough said

Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas

Oh crap here we go again.Research the NTSB website.Talk to other flight schools about their training programs.Don't pay money upfront.Beware of anywhere that 'guarantees' you employment after you have finished training.Ask yourself:"Where are 100 or so instructors going to be employed locally around here?"DO NOT be in a hurry to sign away $60,000 or whatever it is now without doing thorough and complete research.Good luck.

Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas

Go to the meeting. Take notes. Ask a lot of questions, and don't sign up for anything until you receive all the facts.

Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas

Ask all the questions you want...Jerry will just tell you what you want to hear. I know people that started over 18 months ago and still don't have their CFI's. These are not stupid students either. It is a slow process there...

Subject: Re: Silverstate Helicopter Training Dallas Texas

Yes its a slow process, but it can be done faster if the student works hard. SSH ground school is is the main pace restricting problem. You can fly as often as you want, generally. As a SSH student you will be given a minimum of a two day a week flight schedule, but if your job is flexible, you can get in more flights per week if your available. This is not a "full time" program, it is part time, centered around a working person. Thats why it takes a while. If you want a "get it done fast" school than SSH is probably not for you.</font>

Your ascersion that ground school is the limiting pace factor is not correct. My son was a silver state student. He had the ground school under wraps and even finished the coursework and passed his Private exam but still could not get flight time. Flying as often as you want is absolutely false.

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Your ascersion that ground school is the limiting pace factor is not correct. My son was a silver state student. He had the ground school under wraps and even finished the coursework and passed his Private exam but still could not get flight time. Flying as often as you want is absolutely false.


Did he drop the program? If so, did he get a refund?

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I was a SSH student until recently, If you want to fly do not sign up with them, they will tell you, you can fly as much as you want but I was lucky to fly 2 times a week. Most of the time it was once a week or less. They make you sign a contract and they are funded 10% of the total price each month, so after 10 months they have all your money. If you go to their seminar, Jerry (owner) will tell you everything that you want to hear and a majority of it is false, listen to the others on this site, go somewhere else and get quality training.

Good Luck

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I was a SSH student until recently, If you want to fly do not sign up with them, they will tell you, you can fly as much as you want but I was lucky to fly 2 times a week. Most of the time it was once a week or less. They make you sign a contract and they are funded 10% of the total price each month, so after 10 months they have all your money. If you go to their seminar, Jerry (owner) will tell you everything that you want to hear and a majority of it is false, listen to the others on this site, go somewhere else and get quality training.

Good Luck


Did you get anything refunded?

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i work with a guy going to helicopter services at hooks, he cant ever get any flight time in. seems there are to many students and not enough aircraft. . . he's been trying to solo for a while and cant get in to fly? the school im attending, (workin on my instrument right now) is great thank goodness. i have never once had a time i couldnt get an instructor or helicopter when i had a spare moment . . . just my 2 cents. but he is a current student and is going to switch asap....

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