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Full Touchdown Auto instructional DVD

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I just recieved the finished master version which is on tape. Will get it mastered onto a DVD. Hopefully sometime next week it will be ready for delivery. It will cost $50 + 6% sales tax.


I will need a self addressed DVD mailer with postage on it to mail it back.


There are a lot of full downs --R22, 44, Jetranger. Slow motions, real time, inside, outside. There is a full instructional narrative about history of the full down, aerodyamics, H-V diagram, the maneuver details.


There is a section at the end on Extended Aerodynamics--with some of the RC helicopter maneuvers that defy normal aerodyamics--including upside down inverted autos--a little hard to see..


I believe this DVD will cut your auto training time Dramatically from just watching/


This project-- I have been working on for 6 years. They were done most all in my own ships, occasionally with a safety pilot. I did not have hull insurance. I have not had even so much as a firm landing putting this together. So maybe I am just plain stupid and very lucky. Either way I was able provide some unique and helpful instructional video, so the risk I took was well taken.


I will post further details when the master DVD is available.


MR Helicopters

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Good on ya mate! When it comes to doing full downs there is no such thing as learning too much.


Here's another project for ya... make another video all about stuck pedal/TR failure landings. Heck, make a full emergency procedure library of videos dealing with everything from chip lights to fires in flight (simulated of course).

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Ladies & Gentleman,


Perhaps you have seen our advertisements on this forum?


Helicopter Concepts has spent the last year developing a comprehensive DVD on autorotations. On May 1st, we released our completed DVD to the public! This video is approximately 75 minutes in length, uses state-of-the-art 3D animation, includes video from inside the cockpit and outside, includes video from special cameras mounted on the exterior of the ship to provide you a unique view, and features experienced professionals such as Tim Tucker (Chief Instructor, Robinson R22/R44 Safety Course) and others. Furthermore, this video is available now and only costs $39.95




This is a professionally made video! In fact, many schools have had the opportunity to review a pre-release version. The reviews have been extremely positive! One school has already submitted the video to the FAA for inclusion in their Part 141 program!


Helicopter Concepts provides interactive training systems and products for helicopter pilots in all disciplines. Most aviation learning programs available today ignore rotorcraft... we intend to change that. Since we are dedicated to developing training material solely for the helicopter community, we are your best source for interactive training products for the helicopter community.


Here is a brief summary of the video:


Join Timothy Tucker (Chief Instructor, Robinson R22/R44 Safety Course) and Michael Zangara (Former Robinson Test Pilot) as they provide an instructor's view of Autorotations in the R22 helicopter! With over 45 years of combined experience and 25,000+ flight hours, Mike and Tim provide a unique insight into autorotations like you've never seen before. This exciting live action video will simplify and explain the basics of autorotation aerodynamics and the four-phases of autorotation.


See what an autorotation looks like from the pilot's perspective, as well as other views from both inside and outside the cockpit. A variety of helicopter concepts are presented using easy to understand phrases and state-of-the-art computer animation. This interactive training DVD includes important safety information, as well as thrilling never-before-seen video of R22 autorotations!


Thank you for your consideration,


Helicopter Concepts

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I have actually had the privledge of seing a pre-production of the video and was very impressed. There is nothing out there like this for helicopter pilots. As for fixed wing, this stuff is a dime a dozen.


I'm taking my CFI checkride on June 6th and hope I can watch it a few more times before the ride. It's going to be an excellent teaching tool for all pilots of any skill levels.


PM me if you have any questions. I post again once I get the final version that I ordered from the site in a few weeks.



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Yes several years ago I was supposed to take my CFI checkride with Tim Tucker. Before going up with him, I showed him some raw footage of my R22 full downs. I mentioned to him, there was no such video out in the market and one was needed. It was extremely helpful to see one after another full downs. I guess he agreed that it was a good idea. I did sell many copies of version one, but I felt some narrative and instruction was needed, so this is what I did on version 2.


I am sure it is not as professionally done as Tims, since this was all out of my pocket, in the 3 different ships I owned myself--with all that risk, no hull insurance. There are some perspectives on putting this together, being a Cardiologist, CFI that may lend an interesting twist to things.


In the long run you should have both videos.. Forget the costs --these videos can help save your life..


The DVD Master is now complete. I should have my first 30 copies by next week.


You can send me your self addressed, postage paid, DVD mailer and check for $50. add 6% tax for Pa residenets.


Michael Selig, MD, FACC, CFI-H

M & R Helicopters

2045 Westgate Drive Suite 101

Bethlehem, Pa 18017





I have actually had the privledge of seing a pre-production of the video and was very impressed. There is nothing out there like this for helicopter pilots. As for fixed wing, this stuff is a dime a dozen.


I'm taking my CFI checkride on June 6th and hope I can watch it a few more times before the ride. It's going to be an excellent teaching tool for all pilots of any skill levels.


PM me if you have any questions. I post again once I get the final version that I ordered from the site in a few weeks.



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Thanks for your orders. The copies will be completed this week. For those of you I do not know---I will wait for checks to clear.


Make sure the postage is on the mailer with the correct address or it may not go out..


Please do not tell me I need a teleprompter--I know I should of used one, but they cost a lot to rent and then I had to find one.. I also know I am not the best narrator..and I could have hired a professional to film but in my mind --the teaching aspects are there just the same whether it is a polished gem or a rough in. My schedule does not allow for so many extra items.


I think you will understand the auto aerodynamics very clearly after seeing this DVD. Many tell me they have not heard it described in this manner.


Michael Selig, MD, FACC, CFI-H

M & R Helicopters

2045 Westgate Drive, suite 101

Bethlehem, Pa 18017

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I have actually had the privledge of seing a pre-production of the video and was very impressed. There is nothing out there like this for helicopter pilots. As for fixed wing, this stuff is a dime a dozen.


I'm taking my CFI checkride on June 6th and hope I can watch it a few more times before the ride. It's going to be an excellent teaching tool for all pilots of any skill levels.


PM me if you have any questions. I post again once I get the final version that I ordered from the site in a few weeks.





Gunner - Good luck with your CFI ride.


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Helicopter Concepts is pleased to announce that a sample video of the Autorotations in the R22 DVD is available for download! Please visit http://www.helicopterconcepts.com/products.htm and follow the link at the bottom of the page, which provides a fast-paced glimpse of what to expect in this DVD. Turn up the volume on your speakers and enjoy the show!

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Ah the joy of marketing.

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Full Touchdown AutoRotations Instructional DVD -Version 2

-Helicopters do not fall like bricks-

-Extended Aerodynamics-


Is now available in quanities..


Send your self addressed DVD mailer with postage and check for $50 to :


M & R Helicopters

2045 Westgate Drive, Suite 101

Bethlehem, Pa. 18104


Gunner---Your checkride is coming up soon--

I will send you a free version -if you send me a mailer -in the next 7 days.

BTW, Full downs I am told are no longer in the PTS for the CFI checkride any longer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Full Touchdown AutoRotations Instructional DVD -Version 2

-Helicopters do not fall like bricks-

-Extended Aerodynamics-


Is now in its 3 batch of send outs:



Send your self addressed DVD mailer with postage and check for $50 to :


M & R Helicopters

2045 Westgate Drive, Suite 101

Bethlehem, Pa. 18104


One inquirer requested a preview of this DVD. None is available. You do not need one. This DVD shows about 60 full downs in my own R22, R44. and Jetranger. There is nothing out there like this--I have been selling this video since 2003.


The Helicopter concepts video is also a must--it apporaches the autos from a different standpoint. They complement each other from what I get from Mr Reynolds. I am still waiting for my Video from them. On this subject you cannot be cheap--It will save your life.. You may consider getting the auto tape from Bell as well./

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I haven't see MBR'd video yet but do plan on purchasing... I did get my Helicopter Concepts video this weekend. It is well worth the money. I suggest that every pilot whether you are an R-22 or not take the time to see this video. It is primarily for thstudent but everyone can always use a brush up. As pilots we are always learning, right!


I plan on using much of the info for this video on my CFI checkride....

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Hello, I wanted let everyone to know that we've made a few improvements to our shipping process. Specifically, we've reduced the delivery time from 4-6 weeks down to 1-3 weeks. In fact, we are shipping many of the new orders on the very same day. For U.S. customers, that means you will receive your DVD within 1-3 days. If you previously placed an order, rest assured that it was shipped last week at the very latest.


We take comments and input from our customers VERY seriously. If you have a question or a comment, please send an e-mail to Info@HelicopterConcepts.com or use the form on our website at http://www.helicopterconcepts.com/contact.htm


In addition to new textbooks with ineractive animation, we are making plans to introduce an entire helicopter ground school series from PPL through CFII. This new and updated series will include options for JAA, JAR, CAA, and FAA regulations. In the meantime, please don't forget about our current video, "Autorotations in the R22" which can be ordered from http://www.helicopterconcepts.com/products.htm


Thank you and clear skies!

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