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Is it possible or likely to get a position flying for law enforcement without having any background in the field.  For instance if you are a civilian trained helo pilot is it possible or even likely to be able to get a position for flying for a police department and if so what further training, education, etc would you need or would you have to go through.  Also what do pilots for PD's average these days?



This really depends on where you are trying to get hired. (What country? Or what part of the US?)  On the west coast most agencies are using sworn officers as pilots.  Almost all that are using civilian pilots require some kind of background in law enforcement.  Many of them have their civilian pilots go to a reserve academy and make them reserve officers.  If you are trying to get hired for a police job remember you will probably have to pass their stringent background check. Some smaller agencies trying to get started will use civilians until they get the program up and running and then train sworn officers. Many times these operations are leasing their helicopter from a company who supplies the pilot as part of the contract. This is all general info and there are some who use civilian pilots only. Hope this helped, but probably not.  As you have probably guessed I am one of the sworn pilots, so I make officer pay.  Not sure that figure would help you.


Good Luck and fly safe!




The country would be the U.S. and I was speaking for any part of the U.S.  Im sorry I should have been more specific for the average question.  I was wondering what pilots were avereaging in terms of flight hours/month.  The information did help but kind of saddens me because I would really like to get into law enforcement flying but it looks like the chances may be slim.  Im sure something may work out though.




How much more does a pilot with your department makes, over a regular street cop? What are the requirements for your department to join the aviation unit? I have 12 years as a street cop.I`m no longer one,but would love to get back to it,albeit as a pilot.Would you say that having CFI/CFII`s ratings,improve my chances of being hired in an aviation unit with most departments?

(Mind you,I don`t have those ratings! But in a couple of years plan to,then will try getting a flying cop job) Thanks!  ;)


I work in Southern Calif. and we have about 22 city and county police aviation units.  That's just off the top of my head, there might be a few I am missing.  I saw a survey going around a few months ago and of course every agency is different.  % above top step officer varied from 0% to 15% with a few agencies as high as 25%-30%.  Everyones base salary is different so it is deceiving. I work for a multi-agency unit. Some pilots get 12 1/2% and I get 0. I still make $100 a month more because of base salary differences.


There are a few agencies in this area that hire civilian pilots, most train from within.  Some will hire for a pilot position and you put you through an academy and make you work the street for a year before giving you a pilot job.  Of course more ratings always give you a leg up on the competition but few agencies in this area go that route.  A couple of agencies use just civilian pilots and your background could help there.


:) Thanks for the info,Eagle.Next year I plan to move up from Miami to the Orlando area.Less expensive than Miami,get established, save some bucks and maybe start school with HAI in 2004.I used to be certified P.O.,but let it expire,now I might have to go and take a 2 week refresher to get re certified,then I could really start thinking about flying for a police dept.Hey,by the way,if I`m not mistaken,your nickname is just like the one they gave that new EC-135 an agency in your neck of the woods got.Saw the article in Heli-Ops,can`t recall where/which agency was.Are you by any chance one of the lucky pilots? ;)

Take care!


Yep! Only it is 2 EC120's, not EC135's (I wish!).  Neville did the pics and I wrote the article.  They are great to fly with no bad habits.  By the way Lakeland PD in FL. is looking for a police pilot.  Maybe you wont need to wait.  Good luck!

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