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How does it work North of the Border

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VR - how does it work north of the U.S. border?


I understand that a Canadian Commercial rating is the equiv. of a private here? So how do our ratings transfer up north, or do they? Would an american trained CFII be able to go up there and get a sic job or do you still need the 750+ hours as a CFI before you start paying off your training? Are we Americans even welcome in Canada anymore? Just looking for info is all. I'm not chomping at the bit to leave the US, but if opportunity is better up there........I have no ties and will drive up north in a heartbeat. Thanks in advance if anyone replies.

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Guest rookie101

I asked that question to a guy my age and this is what he said:


"Up here most guys do 100 on a piston, then find a ground job, then eventually see some stick time, Canada has mostly turbine helicopters so the Jetbox (Bell-206) is what youre most likely to fly. then they slowly get into the mix and by the 3rdish season theyre flying full time.


At GSHL, after I train my 50/50, they will give me a checkride with the CP and OPS manager, if he/they like me, I get hired on up north, and then make my way into the seat (50 to 100 hours 1st season, then full time by second season)."


As far as the Candian CPL=American PPL, no idea, that's the first I've heard of that?

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Thanks for the reply Rookie101.


There has to be someone on the board that is from the north side. Is anyone willing to shed some more light on the question?


I'm still trying to find out if there is any way possible to make enough money to at least keep Sallie Mae happy if I continue on in school. I have pretty much stopped training until I figure how. And please, dont reply with the "it all depends on how bad you want it" line.

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Here's my two cents from north of the border.


The canadian commercial is only 100 hours therefore it only qualifies as a private in the states because you have not yet met the faa min. requirements. A min. of 250 hrs pic is required to obtain your class 4 intructors rating. Getting a job as an instructor however is highly unlikely.Most low timers start off as ground crew and hangar rats for there first couple of years. Although some have walked straight into flying jobs. In my case I did a few months as a scanner operator then started flying a r22 in suport of the gas plants. And quickly progressed from there. Your first flying position will most likely be in a piston. most of the turbine jobs have hour requirements in the 600 hr range. Basically untill you hit the 600 hr mark you are not very employable in Canada. 2 out of every 10 newly licenced pilots will land jobs so the competition is very steep.


Not trying to scare you just state the facts


good luck

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Yup, the other guys pretty much laid it out. It can be grim up here for the low timer. The vast majority of us will literally pay for a flying job with blood, sweat and tears. I did and I loved every minute of it.


I got my license end of 2004, and got a ramp job in 2005. Got some seat time in a S61 doing a ferry flight which was a huge bonus. This past August I told the CP I was getting my IFR & Night ratings, and a month later he said I had a job as an F/O in the S76 as soon as I'm done the IFR training (in a few weeks now).


I'm a very fortunate guy.

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