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question for experienced pilots


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I was wondering something , and I wanted to know what guys with a few years in the field have to say . Alot of guys with a 14 and 14 or a 21 and 21 schedule or whatever the combination is have a part time job . For instance , alot of my fiefighter buddie do electrical or carpentry on the off time . Do pilots who have that type of schedule commonly work two jobs when they have the time off . I know everyone is different but I am just curious! Thanks-- Garvey :blink:

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I don't remember the specifics, but the FAA has a rule about working another job or the same job without a minimum time between shifts.


Firefighters and most other professions don't have to take this into consideration. I know as a police officer, I would work an off duty job go home, shower, shave and turn right around and be back on shift.

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It's difficult to have another job in your off time, because you can never, ever depend on being off. Employers aren't thrilled about having you not show up to work, with no warning, and that will happen to you often. You get caught offshore by weather, you get forced to work overtime, you have recurrent training, and lots of other reasons. You will spend much more than half your time at work, no matter what.

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The only thing the FAA req's is 10 hr rest periods between


There are longer rest periods req'd for longer shifts or shifts where you fly 8+ hrs. It goes from 10 to 12, 14, and 16 hrs rest before you can accept another shift depending on what you did on the previous shift.


The only other thing, you have to have 13, 24-hr periods off every calendar quarter. So, in theory, you could work a 12hr shift every day from April 14th through Sept 17th. In Q2 you got your 13 days in the very begining, worked 157 days in a row, then got you 13 days in the end of Q3. It's legal!


One good thing, since we're under these DOT req's, we can deduct 75% on IRS per diem in 2006, rather that the standard 50% during the day.

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