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flight instructors

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Okay,,this question will show everyone how new I am to all this.... But, I'll ask anyway. Couldn't a CFI teach someone by himself? or does it have to be affiliated with an actual school. What is to prevent someone from just making a better deal with a CFI and renting a helicopter outside of an actual school?(insurance I'm guessing)

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It would be very hard to find a helicopter company that would rent a helicopter to you or an instructor that is not a part of their company or school. The only way you might make this approach work would be to find an instructor that has his or her own helicopter, and just trains on the side.

Good luck.


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Yes a cfi could. I own my own helicopter and I hired a cfi to come teach me. I will admit that it was a little difficult to find a cfi that had time to come and work with me that was not already affiliated with some school or company. Many of those guys are restricted by their contracts or their boss. The rental thing wouldn't work as any company that rents helicopter has specific language in their agreements that you cannot do instruction in their aircraft unless with their instructors.

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Interesting question.

What would be the benefit of training this way? Any ideas? Where would one find such a person?

Just wondering...


I do that. I know a guy who owns a helicopter and lets me instruct in it free-lance. Most people I talk to are hesitant to train this way. They tend to desire an established company. Around my area, there in no really good place to train in helicopters, so I figure I'm blessed to have such an arrangement, at least until I can afford to buy my own to give training in.



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and to follow up nypilot6's comment, are YOU listed on the policy as a approved instructor?

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I dont want to sound like I'm picking on jeff but the things I mentioned are why schools charge so much for their rentals. Everyone who rents thinks that the schools are rolling in money and charging outragious prices for their equipment. I'll give you a example, if I use my helicopter for personal use the insurance cost is apx $9000.00 per year if I instruct in it goes to apx $30,000.00 per year. Not to mention maintenance cost. If you can find a place that rents consider yourself lucky.

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sounds kind of like selling fake watches out of the back of your car, to me. Not that anyone on here is shady or anything, but that's just the image I get in my head.

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