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Hi I am looking for a couple of pilots who would like to join me in part ownership of a 5 seat turbine Helicopter in the Los Angeles area.

for more info please email me. cars10c@msn.com

Posted (edited)
Hi I am looking for a couple of pilots who would like to join me in part ownership of a 5 seat turbine Helicopter in the Los Angeles area.

for more info please email me. cars10c@msn.com



Oh, are you buying an R66 ? ( read 5 seat turbine)


Seriously, why not pick up an R44 Raven II at half the hourly cost ? and, you get an extra 10 knots of speed for free !



Edited by Goldy

Because there junk!!!

Because there junk!!!



OK FatnLazy- I will agree that the R22 is unique in that it is a low inertia, lightweight, highly agile machine, and flying it safely probably takes more than 20 or 30 hours of dual. And I will even agree that there are many things they could do to make the R22 safer to fly (fuel injection for one), but junk it is not. It was designed as a personal lightweight ship, to be flown within the limits in the POH. My personal experience is that some pilots pay little attention to those limits.


While I love flying the old Bell 47, its slower than most cars on LA freeways during rush hour. And while the 269/300 has a lot more power, it auto's like a brick and the door trim blocks my view. However the R44 is one sweet ship. So why I agree that you can have an opinion.....I will keep mine. There is a reason why the R44 is the fastest selling helicopter in the world.


Ahhhhhh The 66 a lulu if ever there was one have you read the posts on Pprune? The boss with the big wallet has an option on the first 500 ( no pun intended) plus the training version with full Multi(6) control positions will be snapped up by a well known training school to alleviate the lack of ships .

OK FatnLazy- I will agree that the R22 is unique in that it is a low inertia, lightweight, highly agile machine, and flying it safely probably takes more than 20 or 30 hours of dual. And I will even agree that there are many things they could do to make the R22 safer to fly (fuel injection for one), but junk it is not.

Agreed. I'm a partner in both a R22 Beta II and a R44 Raven II. We use the R22 for screwing around, recurrent training, photo shooting, generally anything that doesn't need the speed and/or payload of the R44. The R44 gets used generally for going places and when there's not enough seats and/or payload in the R22.


I like flying both ships, and certainly don't consider them either to be "junk" or unsafe in any way. Would a turbine be nice? Sure, but there's no turbine that can be operated anywhere near the cost of our Robinsons...


Anybody ever notice that many of the people who like to trash Robinsons either have little or no time in them, or work at a school which uses Schweizers?


500E- I dont read Prune....so I dont know what they are saying about the 66....its so far out in the distance, who really cares?


Surprised the fat and lazy guy hasnt responded yet, but I look forward to it !




I don't know what to say about the 66 this is the 1st I've heard of it, as far as the 22 goes or even the 44, I've already stated previously that I have never flown either one and have no desire to, my opinion is that they are very dangerous and that they kill people, I just don't care to go there, I know that I sometimes come off as a smart ass, and I do apoligize for this, I'm just trying to maby inform some of the more open minded pilots to the extreme danger that they will be putting themselves into when learning to fly a robbie. And I've never worked at a school that only had 300's, in fact I've never worked at a school nor do I have a CFI, my primary training was however in a TH55 and then I transitioned to a UH/1. I'm just a commercial rated precision long line guy w/no airplane or inst, or anything else special. One more point and I will be on my way, I would be curious to know how many robbie pilots have made it into the industry and now fly mediums or even heavys and are making a living at it, and what there opinion may be on the safety of the robbie.


FNL- The R66 is the latest generation of Robbie, basically a 5 seater, some say a turbine.....but Frank himself told me what he thinks of that idea. It'll be 2 years before anyone see's one IMHO.


I would encourage you to take a flight with the 44, you may be surprised. I felt much the same way as you about the R22, which is why I have gone to such great lengths to become competent in it (including taking my one week vacation from work so I could attend the safety school). That's also why my avitar is what it is..an R22 upside down....part humor and part reminder that you have to respect the size of the bird, or you will find yourself there very quickly.


Anyway, glad to see you're still around.


Safe flying. Goldy

I don't know what to say about the 66 this is the 1st I've heard of it, as far as the 22 goes or even the 44, I've already stated previously that I have never flown either one and have no desire to, my opinion is that they are very dangerous and that they kill people, I just don't care to go there, I know that I sometimes come off as a smart ass, and I do apoligize for this, I'm just trying to maby inform some of the more open minded pilots to the extreme danger that they will be putting themselves into when learning to fly a robbie. And I've never worked at a school that only had 300's, in fact I've never worked at a school nor do I have a CFI, my primary training was however in a TH55 and then I transitioned to a UH/1. I'm just a commercial rated precision long line guy w/no airplane or inst, or anything else special. One more point and I will be on my way, I would be curious to know how many robbie pilots have made it into the industry and now fly mediums or even heavys and are making a living at it, and what there opinion may be on the safety of the robbie.


I find your post amusing....perhaps that was your intent. If not you are incredibly ignorant.

R22s don't kill people bro, pilots do. Especially ignorant, self-loving, hero types that bash things they don't understand. And as far as robbie pilots who make big bucks now...the CFI who gave me my initial training now flies an S-76 for Merk (drug company.) He's pulling down some dollars.


FatnLazy's inability to spell put aside... As many others here know, his "junk" comment is totally uncalled for.


I don't have a lot of time in Robbies - about 15 hours in the R22 and about 50 in the R44 - but my first ride in the R44 was a real eye opener. I too had a dim opinion of the brand (having trained in Schweizers), but I will now jump at any opp to log some more R44 time. It's a sports car with a rotor on top... I flew one from Virginia to California a while back and that trip only raised my opinion of the type.


I have to admit that the R22 is not my favorite helicopter to fly; this is a combination of its unforgiving nature and of its inability to carry me (230lbs - I'm working on getting that number down at least a bit) and another average (NOT FAA average) human for more than about 20 minutes. But the R44 is, at least in the world of rotary aviation, a very good price proposition and I dream of owning my own (or part of one) someday.


Would I love to have a 500? Hell yes - but I'm not and never will be in an income bracket to not have to worry about mx costs. But, if things go well I might be able to foot the R44 bill, and then enjoy the type's comparatively low penchant for unscheduled mx.


Dave Blevins

I don't know what to say about the 66 this is the 1st I've heard of it, as far as the 22 goes or even the 44, I've already stated previously that I have never flown either one and have no desire to, my opinion is that they are very dangerous and that they kill people, I just don't care to go there.


You are of course entitled to your opinion...


That being said, regardless of the subject, any time someone has such a strong opinion based on something he/she has zero experience with is acting out of fear or ignorance.


I did all my initial training in the 300CB, and I too thought the R-22 was "junk" because of the FUD spread by people like you when I was a new pilot.


Now that I've got hundreds of hours in both the 300CB and the R-22 (along with turbine experience), I can tell you those people who called the R-22 "junk" didn't know what they were talking about, as you do not.


Again, you can have whatever opinion you want, some people still think the world is flat, doesn't make it so.


Blave- check out the two 44's for sale on Ebay..Goldy


OK your right about 1 thing, It is fear, But to say that I have zero exp. w/the robbie leads me to believe that you are possibly ignorant, I said that I've never flown one and thats all I've said. It's a little known fact that I'm also an A & P, hence the remark that robbies are junk, and they are also very dangerous, and regardless of what you think, I do know what I'm talking about so if you want to get into the mechanics of that pile of junk you better know what you're talking about. And to the fella that said that the robbie doesn't kill people that pilots do is a complete moron, delaminating rotorblades are not pilot error, rotor heads coming apart in flight are not pilot error, the SFAR 73, Is not because of pilot error, and the fact that the damn thing will barely auto is not pilot error, etc., etc., etc. Now I will agree that some of you rpbbie rangers do contribute to the killing, what you need to know is that just because you pass a check ride that does NOT make you a pilot, that makes you dangerous, flying a very dangerous machine GOD HELP YOU AND YOUR PAX. The fact that you have several hundred hour w/some tubine time doen't mean squat, if it did you would have a real job in the industry, the fact that I've got more time pulling the trigger on a HUEY ( starting a huey for you robbie rangers that don't have a clue what I'm talking about ) than you've got total time is also meaningless in this conversation, I don't hate the robbie, why can't you guy's see that, I'm just trying to let you morons know how dangerous those things are, you think that you have it all figured out but you have no clue, grow up and at least consider that it is possible that I may know something that you don't, and that I may even save somebodys life someday w/my neg comments. However some people will see only what they want to see.


Sorry for putting down the R66 should have said the R88.


The above will explain


Congratulations, fat dumb and lazy. You really showed your ignorance this time...


Sorry, you don't have a clue about Robinsons. And, yes, Hueys have some of the same characteristics.


So you didn't like my post, oh darn, well all I can do now is pray for you, good luck.

Oh, are you buying an R66 ? ( read 5 seat turbine)


Seriously, why not pick up an R44 Raven II at half the hourly cost ? and, you get an extra 10 knots of speed for free !



Because you can pick up a 5 seat turbine at one quarter the cost of a 44 and spend the savings on fuel.

Because you can pick up a 5 seat turbine at one quarter the cost of a 44 and spend the savings on fuel.


Please tell me where you can get a 5 seat turbine for $100K that flies! I want one.


Seriously, you have to do a great deal of research before you buy anything if you actually believe you can buy any turbine for less than an R-44 and think that you will be able to afford it if you can't afford a new R-44.

Please tell me where you can get a 5 seat turbine for $100K that flies! I want one.


Seriously, you have to do a great deal of research before you buy anything if you actually believe you can buy any turbine for less than an R-44 and think that you will be able to afford it if you can't afford a new R-44.


You can buy the Alouette 3130 for $140,000.00 all day long. They are a great 5 place turbine helicopter. We use three of them for flight training and pipeline work. They burn 45 gallons an hour, but the acquisition cost makes them very attractive. So, if you want one let me know, I can put you in the seat tomorrow. There are several available right now.



You can buy the Alouette 3130 for $140,000.00 all day long. They are a great 5 place turbine helicopter. We use three of them for flight training and pipeline work. They burn 45 gallons an hour, but the acquisition cost makes them very attractive. So, if you want one let me know, I can put you in the seat tomorrow. There are several available right now.




I have had to maintain an Alouette, and in 1,000 hours, we spent four times what we would have on an R44. Plus the insurance was twice that of an R44, and the downtime would have killed a commercial operation. That owner now flies an R44 and loves it. It might only be worth it in other countries were jet fuel is cheap and avgas is very expensive.

I have had to maintain an Alouette, and in 1,000 hours, we spent four times what we would have on an R44. Plus the insurance was twice that of an R44, and the downtime would have killed a commercial operation. That owner now flies an R44 and loves it. It might only be worth it in other countries were jet fuel is cheap and avgas is very expensive.

We fly ours everyday and the maintenance is no higher than on our Sikorskys or Hueys. We experience no unscheduled downtime. The insurance is the same as the other aircraft we fly. The Alouette has one of the best safety records in the industry. It is very worth it to us. We love the performance and reliability of the Alouette. What maintenance are you speaking of? We've been operating ours for a couple years now and are very pleased with them.


We fly ours everyday and the maintenance is no higher than on our Sikorskys or Hueys. We experience no unscheduled downtime. The insurance is the same as the other aircraft we fly. The Alouette has one of the best safety records in the industry. It is very worth it to us. We love the performance and reliability of the Alouette. What maintenance are you speaking of? We've been operating ours for a couple years now and are very pleased with them.



Don't get me wrong, I think the Alouette is an awesome aircraft, and for what it does, it does it economically. However, when comparing the operating costs of the R44 versus a Alouette, the R44 wins hands down. Insurance is a fraction of the cost as is fuel and maintenance. Unless I need that extra seat, or needed the high altitude performance of the Alouette, I would much prefer the operating costs, speed, and reliability of the R44. I do believe you can get a good Alouette that doesn't require a great deal of unscheduled maintenance, but I highly doubt you can do it for $140K.

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