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This message is addressed to all private or professional helicopters’ pilots.


On the occasion of the Helicopter’s Centenary, an air-raid is organised by the G.F.H. (French Helicopters Federation) from July, 14th to 23rd 2007.

The return flight to Paris is planned to be on August, 8th 2007.


The helicopters will take off from Paris on July, 14th to join Oshkosh in United States, one of the most famous aeronautical meeting place in the world.


No more than 15 helicopters will be able to participate (Robinson R44, Bell 206, EC 120 and BA, B2 and B3 Squirrels).


For the way and return 100 hours of flight will be necessary.


The French Helicopter Federation (G.F.H.) will be in charge of the organisation: routing, aeronautical documents providing, housing and handling.


The participants will be followed by three fixed-wings, with journalists on board, that will supervise the raid.


One of the plans will show the way to the racers in order to provide right weather forecast, and another will bring up the rear to guarantee the right progress of operations.


As a professional and helicopter’s pilot instructor, and the owner of a Squirrel AS 350 B2, I am planning to participate to that tremendous adventure.


Press and television will be following that aeronautical event to celebrate the Helicopter’s Centenary and will display the most extraordinary images of it to the world.


I propose co-pilots to join me in that fantastic voyage. Anyone sharing the same passion will be welcome.


The following conditions are required: to possess a valid Licensee and an AS 350 certificate.


The total amount to participate is 150 000 euros VAT.


If by any chance you are ready to follow me in that existing event, you will be lucky to share one of the most wonderful helicopter’s flight ever.


To respect the needs of the organisation, please summit your application before March, 2Oth 2007.

This message is addressed to all private or professional helicopters’ pilots.


On the occasion of the Helicopter’s Centenary, an air-raid is organised by the G.F.H. (French Helicopters Federation) from July, 14th to 23rd 2007.

The return flight to Paris is planned to be on August, 8th 2007.


The helicopters will take off from Paris on July, 14th to join Oshkosh in United States, one of the most famous aeronautical meeting place in the world.


No more than 15 helicopters will be able to participate (Robinson R44, Bell 206, EC 120 and BA, B2 and B3 Squirrels).


For the way and return 100 hours of flight will be necessary.


The French Helicopter Federation (G.F.H.) will be in charge of the organisation: routing, aeronautical documents providing, housing and handling.


The participants will be followed by three fixed-wings, with journalists on board, that will supervise the raid.


One of the plans will show the way to the racers in order to provide right weather forecast, and another will bring up the rear to guarantee the right progress of operations.


As a professional and helicopter’s pilot instructor, and the owner of a Squirrel AS 350 B2, I am planning to participate to that tremendous adventure.


Press and television will be following that aeronautical event to celebrate the Helicopter’s Centenary and will display the most extraordinary images of it to the world.


I propose co-pilots to join me in that fantastic voyage. Anyone sharing the same passion will be welcome.


The following conditions are required: to possess a valid Licensee and an AS 350 certificate.


The total amount to participate is 150 000 euros VAT.


If by any chance you are ready to follow me in that existing event, you will be lucky to share one of the most wonderful helicopter’s flight ever.


To respect the needs of the organisation, please summit your application before March, 2Oth 2007.


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