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Thanks. That particular one looks like it is for an airplane headset. I looked at related products and didn't see anything specific for airplane or helicopter. I wonder if that's universal? Thanks again.

Thanks. That particular one looks like it is for an airplane headset. I looked at related products and didn't see anything specific for airplane or helicopter. I wonder if that's universal? Thanks again.


I think you're right. I've looked at that picture many times and I had just assumed that one plug is from the headset and the other plug was to the port. Guess that would require an adapter if it doesn't have one for the single plug. The owner of the school I go to has a module for cell phones and MP3 but it's about 3 times the size of the one and its a single plug type. I forget the name.

I think you're right. I've looked at that picture many times and I had just assumed that one plug is from the headset and the other plug was to the port. Guess that would require an adapter if it doesn't have one for the single plug. The owner of the school I go to has a module for cell phones and MP3 but it's about 3 times the size of the one and its a single plug type. I forget the name.



Your in trouble. I had one of these:




But it didn't work because it keeps turning off the Bose headset. Best to ask Bose if flicking the switches inside the volume adjuster would help, but I sent my one back - it was much too bulky to carry in the cockpit anyway, not to mention illegal to use.



FFF :(

Your in trouble. I had one of these:




But it didn't work because it keeps turning off the Bose headset. Best to ask Bose if flicking the switches inside the volume adjuster would help, but I sent my one back - it was much too bulky to carry in the cockpit anyway, not to mention illegal to use.



FFF :(


Illegal to listen to music or talk on the phone while you fly? The helicopter I fly has a music input to plug in mp3, cd player, etc. The only problem is, I live in the bible belt and don't think any of my pax want to listen to my music. :D Well if you had problems with it I don't think I'd mess around with it. Another thing I noticed was I only saw it available for panel mount. Maybe I missed something. Anyway thanks for the info.

what is the difference between a fixed wing headset and a heli headset? the connector? the active/passive noise cancellation? THANKS!


The only thing I am aware of is the connector, which you can get an adapter for and use in both f/w and heli.

Illegal to listen to music or talk on the phone while you fly? The helicopter I fly has a music input to plug in mp3, cd player, etc. The only problem is, I live in the bible belt and don't think any of my pax want to listen to my music. :D Well if you had problems with it I don't think I'd mess around with it. Another thing I noticed was I only saw it available for panel mount. Maybe I missed something. Anyway thanks for the info.



Illegal to talk on the phone. I didn't buy the Bose headset one because it is just for panel mounted ones - hence the one in the link. The adaptor would have fitted into a phone or an MP3 player, but at the time all I had was the phone. Best not to worry about music in the cockpit until you get to a 2 pilot operation maybe - so that one of you always has eyes outside when you need to change the album.


FFF :o

Best not to worry about music in the cockpit until you get to a 2 pilot operation maybe - so that one of you always has eyes outside when you need to change the album.


FFF :o


Whats an "Album"? :P

Illegal to talk on the phone


For everyone's benefit, maybe someone can run through a few of the legalities of this sort of thing. There are a number of laws which could / might pertain, if you had an accident with an iPOD or phone plugged in through your headset.


I'm not saying either way...just posing a question.




I believe (and I'm sure I will be corrected if wrong) that talking on the phone is only illegal while in flight. Not while sitting on the ground. This is where the phone adapter would be great. For instance, I fly from an airport within the Washinton DC ADIZ and I have to call and get a freq. code before I take off. But only if staying within the ADIZ, if I'm leaving the ADIZ I don't need to call, I can just leave. 9 out of 10 times I'm just leaving so I never call. There has been a handfull of times out of habit where I start up and just before I take off I realize that I'm not leaving the ADIZ and I forgot to call to get my code. Well lucky for me everytime I had another pilot with me that would just get out and walk away from the noise to call, but it would be nice to be able to just call while running, sitting on the ground to get my code. Then I could take off. From what I understand of the laws that is perfectly legal and how I imagined the phone adapter is to be used.


I don't know of any laws that forbid listening to music while flying.

Illegal to talk on the phone. I didn't buy the Bose headset one because it is just for panel mounted ones - hence the one in the link. The adaptor would have fitted into a phone or an MP3 player, but at the time all I had was the phone. Best not to worry about music in the cockpit until you get to a 2 pilot operation maybe - so that one of you always has eyes outside when you need to change the album.


FFF :o


I appreciate the reply. The topic is "mp3 player adapter for bose x headset". I never asked about a cell phone. Another thing I would like to bring up is, I have an 80gig ipod and don't think there would be much "album" changing. I'm not interested in talking on the phone while flying. The reason I'm looking for an adapter is so when I fly and some chatter comes on the radio, it will cut the music out, I don't want to just stick the buds in my ears and keep a low volume. Thanks for the info though.


When we went on a heli tour in hawaii they had some pretty sick music play through our headsets, really set the mood. Couldn't tell you if the pilot was hearing the music though.


Every mp3 adapter you will ever find is also a cell phone adapter. It's not possible, AFAIK, to get one without the cell phone input. Deal with it. There are many adapters available, and Google will find them for you. I made my own years ago, for a portable FM radio, by just wiring in a mini stereo jack from Radio Shack. It ain't rocket science.

Again I would like to thank you for participating in this thread, but I am not interested in talking on the phone while flying. mp3 player


LOL, welcome to the world of Internet Forums. In the blink of an eye thread hijacking will happen, we don't try to do it but it happens...


and now back to your regularly scheduled program......

Posted (edited)
Again I would like to thank you for participating in this thread, but I am not interested in talking on the phone while flying.




Just as Fuse implies, don't take it personally! People are just expanding on the topic a little.


The lack of direct answer and discussion to your exact question should tell you something. It either means that no one knows the answer, or it doesn't interest the readers enough to post the answer.


As GomerPylot says, it is pretty easy to make one. I'm sure there is one out there on the market already made. Google might get you an aswer quicker.








There. Happy!


Now, back to the hijack!


It seems to me that use of cell phones is prohibited IN FLIGHT, due to the Channel ReUSE issues mostly, and partly due to the interference issues.


Playing music that's different of course. Through the aircraft PA system for PAX. That's great. Through the headset for pilots? That's alright too, so long as you don't miss any of your duties (ATC calls), or get distracted from controlling the aircraft.


Most of the time, I didn't feel the need to listen to music. Even on cross-countries, I found there was enough to keep my mind busy. Anytime I felt I wasn't busy was a hint that I probably had something to do!


I don't know of any laws that forbid listening to music while flying.


So generally, I disapprove of music through the headset. I think it will cause a distraction as you try to find that song, or change the album. Hey, we have all been there in our cars. Changing the tape on the highway...


I sometimes found an AM radio station to tune and listen to through the ADF for long, long cross countries. This is not so bad. It was on / off. That's all. Minimal distraction.



Edited by joker
Posted (edited)



this appears to be what you want.



I found it with a Google search, but it is also listed in one of JOker's links.




eta; It looks like it has a male 5mm stereo phono plug.

Take care to ensure that it is compatable with your equipment.

pt two.. hmm.. looking thru the lists of items in the links JOker posted is probably a good idea..

I hope you find what you're looking for.

Edited by darwin


this appears to be what you want.



I found it with a Google search, but it is also listed in one of JOker's links.




eta; It looks like it has a male 5mm stereo phono plug.

Take care to ensure that it is compatable with your equipment.

pt two.. hmm.. looking thru the lists of items in the links JOker posted is probably a good idea..

I hope you find what you're looking for.


That's exactly what I'm looking for, thanks.

Every mp3 adapter you will ever find is also a cell phone adapter. It's not possible, AFAIK, to get one without the cell phone input. Deal with it. There are many adapters available, and Google will find them for you. I made my own years ago, for a portable FM radio, by just wiring in a mini stereo jack from Radio Shack. It ain't rocket science.


I apologize for being contrary, but I have a very hard time believing that this is true. I have come across several MP3 players that were not also cell phone adapters.


Keep in mind that my current line of work is "official geek" and about half the mp3 players that my friends have were homemade ;) You're right, it's not rocket science, but if you want nice features some advanced knowledge of electronics and programming does help.


I wasn't referring to mp3 players, but headset adapters. You can use any of them for either function; all it takes is the proper plug. If you want to connect your cell phone, you use a 2.5mm/3.5mm cable, and for the mp3 player you use a 3.5mm plug on both ends. There are adapters readily available to change both ways. You just plug the headset adapter between the headset and the helicopter audio, and you can plug either an mp3 player, your cell phone, or both, into the adapter and listen to either, and talk on the cell phone. I'm not aware of any that don't work this way.

  • 1 month later...
That's exactly what I'm looking for, thanks.



If you have not already bought this I would look for something else. I have this one and I can get the cell phone part to work, but playing music through it is sporatic at best. I have to use the built in media player on my cell to make it work. I replaced it once and tired different adapters to no joy. It also lowers the volume of the radio so sometimes it's difficult to hear other radio calls.


I think this is what you want http://www.mypilotstore.com/MyPilotStore/sep/3330


Though I have heard complaints about it also from other pilots. I am going to put in an order today and can let you know how it is sometime next week.


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