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New to site and just hoping it is not that difficult

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Just wondering, at 36 and looking to switch careers is this something that is, with hard work, something easy to obtain?


Meaning how much time should I seriously considering investing in this? I have loved helicopters since childhood and figured that being 6'6" would hinder my abilities.


Seeing as how I would love to do this, does it seem like an obtainable reality?


If I get the funding for classes since my wife is military and able to go to a school, a credited one, am I looking at 3 or 4 years before I am able to go out on my own as a rookie pilot?


I have read some of the help sites and just looking to see if I should invest the time into trying to get the training for this or considering my age and never sat in one but once, should I just consider it a whim?


I hope I made some sense, and hopefully I am not aggravating anyone and appreciate the help!

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Two words: go ferit.


You may be a little tall for an R-22, try a 300 for size. You may just have to scrunch while flying. May not be comfortable, but doable.


At least try it out and see how it goes.



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It is a ALOT of studying. You are looking at 1-3 years of training. Another 1-3 years of instructing to get to the rookie position. Where you can get a job flying tours in various places, flying in the Gulf of Mexico, or flying in Alaska. I am only a few more hours from getting my private pilots license, and I cannot wait to continue my training. I wouldn't say the training has been "difficult" thus far, however I suppose that depends on how much you are willing to put into it. If you are not 110% dedicated to working hard, studying, and sacrificing your free time you will probably not finish the course. I recently heard that the dropout rate average among all the schools in the country may be as high as 80%. Its is obtainable if you have the money and the motivation, I am just trying to prove the point that if you dont want this 110% it will not happen.


PS like witch said, find a local flight school near you and ask if you can sign up for a demo flight. You will most likely want to try a 300 as the r22 may be small for your dimensions. They will take you up in the air and let you try your hand at the controls, probably let you try out hovering and the like aswell.

Edited by slick1537
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Find the closest reputable flight school and ask for a discovery flight, sit down with a CFI or their chief instructor and let them know where you are at, and take a list of questions to make sure you understand the industry, the lifestyle and the cost (not just financial) of a helicopter career.


There seems to be a high failure rate and a bottleneck at the CFI position. The pilot shortage most people talk about is for high time pilots over 1000 or so hours, and it can be a tough climb to get that much experience.

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