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Posted (edited)

I am F'n livid right now!!! To be honest I didn't do enough research about SSH before I joined. Once I started finding things out it was too late. I had already signed on the dotted line.


Besides I wasn't experiencing any of the issues that other people experienced with regards to lack of helicopters etc. So I decided to not focus on such things and keep my eye on the prize. I was going so well. Now here I sit my dream exploded in front of my face! Now I am destined to stay in my crappy day job longer than I want.


Anyways long story short (Too Late)

I am looking for people who want to take action. I am working with another SD student to find out what our options are.... If you are a California and are in finding out what your options are for taking class action against this rotten orifice of a company please contact me.






Best regards,




A copy of the company letter is available here. http://www.lasvegasnow.com/Global/story.as...p;nav=menu102_2

I especially like point number 7. Yea I was notified by some stranger in the parking lot as I showed up to class tonight. Thanks for the ******* notification via stranger system. It works damn good *********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is what happens when the people at the top of a corporation get too greedy. They **** EVERYONE OVER!!!!!

Edited by Mr. Will Hellme

Will- We all understand your anger and frustration, however I might suggest that you go back and edit some of the finer points in your post....before the moderators do it for you !!


Good luck out there.




OMG! I heard about SSH today at school. What a train wreck. I am so sorry this happened to you. Not sure any amount of research on your part would have revealed their dirty laundry...unless you had some nosey accountant friends.


Are you able to relocate to another school? What are your options?


One comment made today was that my school already has a waiting list for new students....6 months. I had to wait 2 months. I also asked about CFI's...as I have a friend getting close to applying for CFI there, and I was worried he'd be outnumbered by SSH CFI's looking for jobs. Impression I received was that my school will continue to hire mostly from within. Good news for me and my friend! I have some time, though.





I am so pissed off over what happend to you and all the other students/CFI's/etc.


And Goldy, I see nothing wrong with his post....VERY appropriate considering what he was dragged thru by SSH.

So, it's not a Disney post....oh well!


Tee hee hee


we the moderators would not have appoved his post had we thought it to be totally inappropiate. for the events that have transpired in the last 24 hours it is a factor that has effected many people. the members of this site have ALWAYS been self moderating about their posts and the notation of inappropiate behaveour. just remember that this is a public forum and what is posted is public information. we as moderators greatly appriciate your self moderation and know that it DOES help us ALOT.


Amen to that...


While he is strong and firm in his post, he didn't go over the top and lose his cool. Had it been a mindless name calling rant, I'd have felt otherwise, but given what he wrote, I'm totally fine with it.


As you say, considering the events that have happened, his feelings are understandable. I've spoken to a lot of former SSH students today, and many told me they were physically sick when they found out and realised that SSH had taken their money and dreams with them.


To anyone who doesn't understand, try having a grown man cry in your office because he doesn't know what he is going to do with 40 hours of flight time and a bag of books for $70K. Yes he should have done his research, yes it is buyer beware, but dammit, you shouldn't have your money outright stolen from you this way.




My thoughts go out to everyone today that woke up without a job or a school to attend.



Thank you for the kind words. right now I am at 160 hours. I have my private, Instrument and I was about ready for my commercial check ride. I had just started the CFI Classes. I came in this evening for the CFI Class when I got the smashing news. My goal was to be done in two more months. I have put my entire life on hold (Socially and mentally), because when this flying bug bit me it took off my entire arm.


At this time I don't know how I am gong to pay for further training until this heck of a mess with the super awesome people at SSH is cleared up. I think most of us are in that boat. I feel worse for all the CFI's especially the newer CFI's. Although I don't like my day job. I have a job. That is my silver lining. The good new to me is that there is a waiting list for your school. That tells me that there is still a demand. Yes, there are some extra pilots on the market. But competition is good right? I just wake up every morning and like Phill Hartman's Saturday night live character Stewart Smalley I repeat, " I am good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it. People like me!!!"


BTW. What kind of cookies do you serve on the dark side? Do you serve milk with them?



I apologize for anything you found offensive. Thank you for your kind words of advice. I don't normally start a forum such harsh energy especially as a n00b. I will be more than happy to change the post if I get anymore complaints. But given the dynamic energy of the situation, I'd prefer to keep it up so people understand the level of emotion of what is going on. You guys won't have any problems from me in the future.


A small part of why SSH died is because of the "housing market" as their defunct website claims. But the main reason is because of bad upper management with all their greed. Why are other flight schools still in business? tattooed's flight school has a waiting list right?


But I honestly think corporate greed is ruining this great country of ours. Just as SSH seems to be turning into the enron of the helicopter world. Too many corporations seem to be sticking it to the little guy. They pay the little guy less and less and the corporate officers make more an more. The last two years have been all time record corporate profit and record executive pay. Now that is lame.


I'm another one of the suckers who invested my life my credit and my dreams with these crooks! I really don't know what to do now. I'm close to my commercial liscense and not far from my cfi and instrument rating, but at this point I'm going to be able to finish, or if it would even be worthwhile. Silver State has just flooded the market with CFI's looking for a job.

I am F'n livid right now!!! To be honest I didn't do enough research about SSH before I joined. Once I started finding things out it was too late. I had already signed on the dotted line.


Besides I wasn't experiencing any of the issues that other people experienced with regards to lack of helicopters etc. So I decided to not focus on such things and keep my eye on the prize. I was going so well. Now here I sit my dream exploded in front of my face! Now I am destined to stay in my crappy day job longer than I want.


Anyways long story short (Too Late)

I am looking for people who want to take action. I am working with another SD student to find out what our options are.... If you are a California and are in finding out what your options are for taking class action against this rotten orifice of a company please contact me.






Best regards,




A copy of the company letter is available here. http://www.lasvegasnow.com/Global/story.as...p;nav=menu102_2

I especially like point number 7. Yea I was notified by some stranger in the parking lot as I showed up to class tonight. Thanks for the f*cking notification via stranger system. It works damn good ASS HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is what happens when the people at the top of a corporation get too greedy. They f**k EVERYONE OVER!!!!!










I have spoken with a guy from SD who is making the calls. I told him I would do everything I could to organize people on my side. I am driving to the SD school to put a note on the door this morning. I also received a PM from someone on this board about the best direction to take as he had been down this road already. Granted he was the only party in his lawsuit. He said to do everything in NV. I am going to give him this info with a list of names and numbers I have already started to receive. To the guy that is spearheading this.


As far as I know with regards to class actions, they can start off state by state and if they get big enough they can be merged and filed under one lawsuit representing all the parties in all of the states. What we need to do right now is organize by for each school/state so we can take it to the next level. I do believe in strength in numbers.


Thats right Kev were all sticking together since it seems the little guy seems to always get shafted. Well now were a bunch of little guys and i for one am not going to stand by and do nothing. There is something terribly wrong about taking away someones dream and there money at the same time.


The students in Washington are not going to take this Lying down. Everyone affiliated with the company is telling us to wait a couple weeks to see what happens. We are through listening to SSH and we are taking action. As students we must band together. We do not need bashing or flaming against SSH we need to get organized. We will be opening a web site as soon as possible to help give people some direction and a destination to communicate with each other. We will not be promoting any other schools. We are here to help each other!! Join with us if you are a former student or instructor! For information e-mail cwby416@gmail.com or xfatjx@hotmail.com Myspace group: http://groups.myspace.com/SilverStateStudents




p.s. As of tonight there are a large group of students meeting in our area to discuss what we are doing next. Anyone else that is coordinating with other students please contact us.


Im glad to see students from all schools are taking action. We do need to all band together and i agree that having a web site up would help get things organized. I know that a group of us here in san diego are all meeting in a short while to discuss the situation. I think it would be in all of our best interest if once each individual location gets everybody together and organized to then all band together as one huge pool of students strength in numbers. I know that us here in san diego are getting organized quickly and are willing to here any input and suggestions from other schools.

I know Skiddz was looking into doing a class action lawsuit at one point about a year ago but I have not heard anything about it.


I was going at it with my own attorney in an attempt to get the remainder of my refund monies back but was in contact with a large group here in San Diego who had joined together to sue Jerry personally for breach of contract. I spoke briefly to their attorney this afternoon about what's transpired and might get in on that case as my attorney has done nothing since I got a large chunk of my money back. SSH still owes me about $9,000 in refunds and a few thousand more in interest (Which their attorney agreed to pay!)


As I was told, the case was initially filed in Federal court but was thrown out for jurisdictional and dollar amount reasons. As I understand it, the lower limit for contractual damages at this level is $75,000 per claimant and since the dollar amount in question is closer to $70,000 the Fed courts wouldn't touch it. You can't tack on punitive damages to bump this limit up either. A new suit was filed at the state level (I *THINK* California) but I'm not sure what's going on with this. The attorney is doing some research and will call me back tomorrow afternoon.


I'm not sure if he'd take on more folks or if SSH's closure would even be applicable to the pending case, but I suppose a phone call wouldn't hurt. I'm not going to post the attorney's contact info here, but shoot me an email to skiddz "at" roadrunner "dot" com and I'll send it off. I don't want a hundred plus SD students flooding his office with calls. Perhaps one or two guys can get some info and pass it along.


I can't wait for the buzz at Heli Expo at the end of the month...


I apologize for anything you found offensive. Thank you for your kind words of advice. I don't normally start a forum such harsh energy especially as a n00b. I will be more than happy to change the post if I get anymore complaints. But given the dynamic energy of the situation, I'd prefer to keep it up so people understand the level of emotion of what is going on. You guys won't have any problems from me in the future.



Will- No apology necessary. Personally I am not offended, but your post pushed the limits of the rules of this board, and I figured it would be better for you to edit it than wait and have an administrator edit it for you...thats all.


Like I said, I understand the frustration, thats ok..the situation sucks no doubt about it. The real loss is that hundreds of students, potential real employable helicopter pilots of the future, will now not be able to complete their training. For most it was hard enough to make the commitment and the 70K, most can't come up with another 10, 20, 30 K to get their ticket(s)...and that will eventually hurt the entire industry.


I'm gonna get really slammed for this one, but all of the focus for SSH right now is lawsuits. Guess what...reality is people get next to nothing in a bankrutcy, and Jerry is just the president, an employee of a company that no longer exists. While I hope you each get back what you so deserve, reality tells me that will not happen. Throwing money into attorneys fees does not make you a better pilot. IF someone out there wants to start a class action and get it certified...great. It costs you nothing to participate and you might get something out of it.


I would just rather see people sitting down and figuring out where do we go from here, rather than who do we sue next ? I just dont think its worth the effort.....my opinion.


If any former SSH students are out there with questions about what they need to do to at least get their PPL, please feel free to email or PM me with your questions and I will do my best to steer you in the right direction.


Again, best wishes to all of you.



Will- No apology necessary. Personally I am not offended, but your post pushed the limits of the rules of this board, and I figured it would be better for you to edit it than wait and have an administrator edit it for you...thats all.


Like I said, I understand the frustration, thats ok..the situation sucks no doubt about it. The real loss is that hundreds of students, potential real employable helicopter pilots of the future, will now not be able to complete their training. For most it was hard enough to make the commitment and the 70K, most can't come up with another 10, 20, 30 K to get their ticket(s)...and that will eventually hurt the entire industry.


I'm gonna get really slammed for this one, but all of the focus for SSH right now is lawsuits. Guess what...reality is people get next to nothing in a bankrutcy, and Jerry is just the president, an employee of a company that no longer exists. While I hope you each get back what you so deserve, reality tells me that will not happen. Throwing money into attorneys fees does not make you a better pilot. IF someone out there wants to start a class action and get it certified...great. It costs you nothing to participate and you might get something out of it.


I would just rather see people sitting down and figuring out where do we go from here, rather than who do we sue next ? I just dont think its worth the effort.....my opinion.


If any former SSH students are out there with questions about what they need to do to at least get their PPL, please feel free to email or PM me with your questions and I will do my best to steer you in the right direction.


Again, best wishes to all of you.




The only people who are going to collect money in a class action lawsuit are lawyers.


One can only hope that criminal charges are brought to bear and those responsible pay the price.


To all SSH San Diego students: A bunch of us are meeting at Bennigans in Mission Valley tomorrow, Wednesday 2/6/08 at 6:30 pm with a lawyer just to get our questions and concerns addressed. The REAL meeting that I've been hearing about is happening on Thursday in San Diego, but don't know what time yet. Can let you guys know when we know.


Lina MAC,

Please let me know how the meeting goes tonight. A small group of SD students has already met this afternoon. It was a productive meeting. You have your information correct. We are planning a larger meeting on Thursday @ 7:00pm Downtown. Thursdays meeting is going to be large. If you'd like to attend, Feel free to contact me and I will send you out info with regards to the meeting. My email is Mr_Will_Hellme@cox.net


Do not get discouraged about what too many people say on these forums. We haven't asked enough questions and gotten enough answers to make any kind of judgments about what might possibly and possibly not result once we take action. There is no sense in jumping to conclusions so early in this situation.


The only thing I will say is that Jerry seems to have done some VERY shady things prior to this whole blow up. I'd like to know if he can be held accountable for such actions.


If you have not had all the money drawn down on your loan I would write RECORDED DELIVERY TODAY to your lender stating facts, and saying DO NOT PAY any further requests.

This should at least give you a legal recourse if money was paid out after the notification of closure.

Real sorry for people that will be in debt for years.

The only people who are going to collect money in a class action lawsuit are lawyers.


One can only hope that criminal charges are brought to bear and those responsible pay the price.


I think this is corrrect. You can't sue someone for compensation if they're broke. You can, but

what would be the point? The money is long gone.

Posted (edited)
The only people who are going to collect money in a class action lawsuit are lawyers.


One can only hope that criminal charges are brought to bear and those responsible pay the price.


First up,

SD MEETING 02/07 @ 7:00!!!

If you want location and or meeting minutes if you are unable to attend please email me.



We have many people who have spoken with different entities who specialize in the Law. We will let you know what info we find and any decisions we decide to make as a group.


I received some info from a group in FL. They will be speaking with a judge about the situation. I will be following up with this as well.


If the company had been run by a person with a stellar reputation, then I don’t think many of us would be seeking lawyers. Sadly this is not the case. As this is a public forum I will only say this. There a few disturbingly shady things that people at the top of SSH did. I feel it is necessary to talk to lawyers to discuss what our best course of actions is.




SSH Students. Please keep your communication about what develops within this post and the other established silver state debacle post. Vert. Ref. Moderators have already asked this of us. The rest of the community does not need to be overloaded with our drama.


Given that fact I appreciate the flight schools leaving info on receiving training. But at this time We’d greatly appreciate it if you would not advertise your school’s availability here so that this post stay clean and only contain info vital to our cause.


Thanks to everyone for your support with regards to this situation.

Edited by Mr. Will Hellme

To all you Silver Staters,

My name is Sean Wood and I'm a reporter with the San Antonio Express-News in San Antonio, Texas. I did a story on Silver State in November. They were planning to move their headquarters to New Braunfels which is just north of town.

They stranded students and some employees who moved her from Nevada. I'm looking to talk to anyone who has a story to tell about their experience with Silver State. Students, employees, creditors, anyone.

Interestingly, they listed only $50,000 as assets with up to $50 million in liabilities. Yet they have 218 aircraft registered with the FAA. Something is wacky there.

Regardless, I'm trying to unravel this huge ball of string and could use as much help as possible. You can send me an e-mail at swood@express-news.net.


Thanks and good luck,


To all you Silver Staters,

My name is Sean Wood and I'm a reporter with the San Antonio Express-News in San Antonio, Texas. I did a story on Silver State in November. They were planning to move their headquarters to New Braunfels which is just north of town.

They stranded students and some employees who moved her from Nevada. I'm looking to talk to anyone who has a story to tell about their experience with Silver State. Students, employees, creditors, anyone.

Interestingly, they listed only $50,000 as assets with up to $50 million in liabilities. Yet they have 218 aircraft registered with the FAA. Something is wacky there.

Regardless, I'm trying to unravel this huge ball of string and could use as much help as possible. You can send me an e-mail at swood@express-news.net.


Thanks and good luck,



Wish you the best of luck with your investigation and story Sean. If you don't get a large response it might be because many didn't see your post. Try starting a new topic and/or posting in all of the SSH threads. You should get the people you need.



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