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Hi guys. I'm very sorry to hear of the SSH collaspe. As a seasoned pilot, we've been waiting for this to happen for awhile, it was just a matter of time. My heart goes goes out to you guys. Don't give up your dream. I started flying 17 years ago, with the same dreams of flying for a living, and it can be done. I went through the same process as you guys, but I didn't give up. For you guys that live in the Sacramento area, I fly Bell 47s (real helicopters), and I would be willing to help some of you out with flight time. There is a guy out of RIU, that has a flight school that can help. I'm not soliciting, and have no affilation with him, but this guy has helped plenty of students out, with housing, and even got them jobs to help off set the cost of flying. This schooll doesn't hassle you with the SFAR 73 (although you need it with R22s), and I've seen him help studets with flight time (frost control, etc.). From there, you can go into fixed wing commercial, CFI, A & P. Google "Gunner Aviation".


In the helicopter community, we try to take care of our pilots. We work hard, and with hard work, you can pursue your dream of flying.


Good luck to you guys, and don't give up!

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