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Cheers guys,


It's been a while since I last posted - sorry.


Just got my medical "deferred" to OK City - for the third time in 6 years - I think I'm screwed!!!


First time - I got a blood presure spike for the first time in my life - it took bumping one of my meds up by one pill per day. That lasted about 60 days, and then I called my PCP an told him I was reading 115/68 - he said stop the latest pill. I did, and all went back to normal.


Last year, I had a kidney stint put in to try to stop the yearly increase I was experiencing in b/p rises. It worked! Dropped me completely off one pill and cut the dosage of another by half. Everything is cool with the feds. Even though we found out I have a "AAA" - that's an abdominal aurotic anuerism(sp?) that's too small to be operated on. OK, they know about that now.


This year, I had GREAT b/p, good blood lab work - AND my "AAA" got smaller - and then I got screwed!!!! Seem's that NO ONE can tell me why it shrunk! So, the Feds see a "change" - and they don't know why?!?! So, they "deferred" my medical - I might get it back in 60 days, I might NEVER get it back. The "AAA" didn't break up - I asked about that when i was first told "it got smaller". Looks just like the sonagram from last year - only smaller!


This REALLY pissed me off - come ON - I'm getting better, what's the BFD?


Then I got to thinking (as a pilot) - - if one of my instruments suddenly starting reading lower/colder than normal - I'd ground the damned thing UNTIL I found out WHY!!! This is just what the FAA did to me.


Even though I'm screwed financially and professionally - I REALLY can't fault them for doing the same thing to a pilot that I would do to an a/c.


(Hint) Take a flight physical every 10 months instead of 12 - if you have a medical problem - it gives you a 60 day "grace" period - and it can keep you flying while the Feds work out what you have to do to keep your medical.


Gentle winds (from the poor house)



Hey at least your health IS getting better - which is the main thing. Your quote below will help a few others I'm sure, it'll help with continuiuity of there are any other problems with their health.


(Hint) Take a flight physical every 10 months instead of 12 - if you have a medical problem - it gives you a 60 day "grace" period - and it can keep you flying while the Feds work out what you have to do to keep your medical......


Your analogy about the body being treated the same way a your ac is also great too. How are you managing to fill the time in? Try not to get too frustrated about it - hopefully you'll be back to cruise power soon enough.


I am sorry to hear about your difficulties with your medical cert. I feel for you I think most of us fear losing it or facing a series of medical challenges like you are. I hope that it works out for you. i am glad you are ok though tripple A's are no joke.

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