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Hi everybody: I would like to make a question. I´m a helicopter pilot at Prefectura Naval Argetina (Argentine Coast Guard). I have around 2500 Flight hours and I can´t get the civil license because the Argentine Air Force, wich rules the air in my country, negates to give me the license, bacause I have got the training in a no authorized school. But I have been flyng for 15 years, I have made a lot of rescues at sea, even I have transported the Argentine president and many national authorityes with no license. Could I confirm the license in an other country. What can I do to get my habilitation? Thanks.


First, welcome.


Second, I'm wondering if the FAA might be able to "transfer" your experience into some sort of certificcate? Kinda like the FAA JAA thing?


You might contact the FAA and see if they might be able to give you more information.


That's what I can think of suggesting at this time.



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