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Me and my friend made a small Android application to be used for basic helicopter navigation. Based on the GPS signal and the pre-selected destination it shows a heading indicator, the velocity, the speed, the distance and the estimated time on route.


The application is totally free and it will be shortly available on Google Play (iOS version is also planned). We are still validating the app, thus we would like to ask for your help. We are interested in your opinion, so please tell us what do you think about the app's functions, usability and if you would use it.


You can download the app from Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byn0CC635SjjT3BBbmFiOUJGM2M/edit?usp=sharing) and check the attached screenshot.


Have a look at the app and let us know what do you think!



Two helicopter freak developers


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