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I have almost completed all requirements for the ATP helicopter. I'm looking for a CFII with recent experience either signing off an ATP applicant or that has recently achieved the rating. This is a requirement. I have access to an Enstrom 480B with Chelton (GENESYS) EFIS and GNS 430 that I would like to get spooled up on for a few hours and do some ground to get sharpened up on my skills. We should be able to get through it in 2-3 days. I am CFII rated in helicopters and flying regularly. I'm looking at summer 2016 to begin. PM me if interested.

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The ATP rating does not require an endorsement from an instructor. That being said, I'm a CFII Helicopter and ATP Helicopter (with very recent IFR experience) and am more than willing to help if you can get to the Maryland, New York City, or Tampa areas.

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