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fear of flying: take 2

Guest pokey

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now that that's that. I'm sure we can all agree we have done some dumb stuff, here are a few of mine:


1) joy riding down the Delaware river, inches above the water in my 300, waving at the girls in the boats as they removed their tops & waved back

2)thinking number one was fun

3) when demonstrating aerobatics in my cessna, & student (a rated private pilot) decides he gonna buzz his gf's house? i turn the plane inverted---did i realize i was in a 150 trying to out climb the upcoming hill from her little valley?----ever been inverted with the windscreen full of green?, instead of blue? (gottah love that little Continental for hangin' in there

4) hitting a mallard in the 300 from said number one, 2 of them on the water (no biggie, i see them all the time). However? this time Mr Duck took off in other direction & when tried to join Mrs Duck? rotor blade got in way/// serious vibration & at inches above the water?----welll, luckily mom come in just in time and put another quarter in

5) i quit flying low down the river after number 4

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to be continued


but? am i afraid? Nope, smarter?,,,,,, boy i sure hope so, 'cause i sure did some dumb stuff... on chasing freight trains? cars of the freeway??? oh yes,, done it allll. do i feel lucky? well as Harry put it? "yes punk, doo ya?"


6) engaging with avbug, but? that has since ended because he don't like what i have to say. :P

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