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When I started my end game was to work my way up to EMS and stay there until retirement. I just started EMS a year ago and I'm absolutely happy and I love the career. At this point I could easily see myself staying until retirement. Now I just need to figure out how to keep my Med crews happy.

It knocks the confidence out of you quick when you're trying to land on a rooftop helipad with a 20 knot crosswind and after the flight your crew let you know that they weren't comfortable. In most of the industry you lose your job by being unsafe or wrecking, in EMS you can lose it if someone in the backseat decides they didn't like your landing.

So my new end game is to live in constant fear and to cater to people with no aviation knowledge who hold my career hostage for the next 30 years.


In addition to all the CRM BS ("There it is. Here's what I see, do you see anything else?, Here's how I'm going to do it. Here's what happens after I land. Etc.") I talk to the med crew like they were student pilots. Wind on a rooftop is always a challenge, often unpredictable. So I talk it thru in particular detail, and narrate as I attempt it... "I'm approaching sideways, nose into the wind (this often gets comments if you don't brief)... there's the turbulent flow... there's the down wind downdraft, we'll be through that shortly... It might seem jerky at the hover, my touchdown might not be as smooth as usual (a lie, my skids down are sometimes carrier arrivals)..."

Don't gab just in the challenging parts, the GiB will soon learn to be nervous when you talk, talk the easy stuff too. Think of it as a kind of checklist bringing the crew into the action. If people are aware of what's going to happen, they anticipate and prepare for a little excitement and know that you're ready for it.


P.S. It's cheating but it works, a very little forward cyclic just before skid contact...

Edited by Wally
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