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I will be in Vegas this weekend and was looking for a 44 or 206 to rent, just to fly around a bit. Did not find anything at all so far. Weel, I asked Silver State but have not received any response at all. Anyway, any leads would be appreciated. Thanks!


Leading Edge Rotorcraft at Boudler City Airport (about 20 minutes south of the strip.) These guys set my wife and I up with a brand new R44RII. We flew around Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, up and down the Strip, Mt. Charleston (10,500 ft!!), etc for a little over an hour. Great prices and very nice people.


Here's the info: http://www.leadingedgerotorcraft.com


Sort of off topic, but hopefully you folks can answer.


Can a person with a Canadian commercial license rent a helicopter in the US, or is an FAA conversion needed? Kinda sucks that here you can't rent them anywhere other than where you did your training. Would be a nice addition to a vaction in the States if I could do that and take the wife for a little tour.

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