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So Cal Edison had a ship go down today, both the pilot and observer were killed. Not many details yet, apparently this was a company ship and employees and not a contractor from what I have heard. Helicopter went down in Somis, CA..which is in Ventura County. Prayers out to the families involved.


Ship hit the power lines it was inspecting, not sure if that was the cause, or just the aftermath of the accident.



Update: news story at http://www.venturacountystar.com/vcs/news/...4972829,00.html


I read some of the comments posted on the news site by people and it still amazes me how ignorant and stupid people can be.


My thoughts and prayers to the families.


I flew with Benny way back in '94 on the Idaho City fire while with Columbia. He was a great guy and fun to fly with. It was all laughs. He was a gifted pilot which highlights how easily something like this can happen to any of us.

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