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What will set you apart more?

What will set you apart more?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. If you and another candidate have equal qualifications, which one of the following will set you above the others?

    • Coming from a school with a known reputation in the industry.
    • Having received factory training on the specific helicopter that company fly's. (Robbie course doesn't count, I'm talking Bell, EC, MD, etc...)
    • Having 100 hours more turbine then the "other guy"
  2. 2. Will some places lower highering minimums for factory trained candidates?

    • Yes
    • No

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Ok, my question is. You and the "other guy" have applied to a job at XYZ aviation. We both have 1000 hours. Equal time instructing, equal college degrees, and qualifications. Everything is equal among you, with the exception of the above choices. What do you think is the most determining factor XYZ aviation would pick to hire you over the other guy? Assume you both interviewed the same also, same answers to the questions, same dress, same everything. I'm not looking for the answers like, "Why spend the money for factory training when the company will train you the way they want" Assume money is no object.


Here is my background for asking the question...


I've been flying fixed wing for some time, flying various aircraft (BE58, Cheyenne III, King Air) doing weather research and instructing. I've also been doing helicopter work and just passed the 500 hour heli time mark. So I know how the fixed wing side of stuff works when getting a job, and I'm courious if the heli side is the same way. I've recently fell into an opportunity to attend factory helicopter training but I would have to pay for it, and I'm trying to figure out if it would be benifical to persue. I know a lot of people say, "Oh don't worry about it, just instruct until your 1000 then get hired somewhere. There's no need for 'extras,' you'll get those when you get hired." But you can't tell me that extras wouldn't help in the long run. Assuming money is no object, (it really is, but let's assume I have a money tree).





P.S. I have money tree seeds available for sell, $80,000 each. Cash or Money Order only.

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OK, since you are asking for an OPINION..I can't go wrong !


What I have seen, is there is a lot of "who you know" that can help you. Don't blow the bucks on a factory school...get to know more people who can introduce you to others. Spend that money going to HAI where you can meet and talk face to face with chief pilots who are hiring right now !


I could not believe some of the opportunities to meet people at HAI. In one forum about gaining a job in the industry..there were maybe 60 of us...thats it ! Afterwards, one speaker who hires about 10 EMS pilots a month was hanging around just to meet and greet.


I'm not in a position where I can afford to be a helo pilot...they just dont make enough. But for anyone looking to make it a career.,...you all blew it big time if you weren't there...or if you are not attending other opportunities.


Save the Bell training for your next employer and spend the money you save getting your name out there....ask many a pilot how they got their job and most will say it was someone they met or knew that made an introduction. That gets you in the door and most can be flexible with their requirements.



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I guess I should have stipulated in my original question. I understand that who you know is going to get you further then anything else. So for further responses, let's assume no one knows anyone, but they know the schools name and reputation.

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I guess I should have stipulated in my original question. I understand that who you know is going to get you further then anything else. So for further responses, let's assume no one knows anyone, but they know the schools name and reputation.



It sounds to me like you're looking for someone to say 'yes - do it' as a way to justify it.... If you can afford it, I say go for it - if nothing else, it would be fun. Would it help you get a job?? Who knows....can't say yes or no until that situation occurs. If you go to Bell school and you interview with a Bell operator, yeah that would probably tip the scale in your favor. Who knows, you may even meet a chief pilot or make some other great contacts during the training that will remember you down the road. If you're flying a King Air, you've been around aviation long enough to know that there are never any "exactly equal" hiring scenarios as you posted so don't even waste time and energy thinking about it.


I say that if you can swing the money, go for it! Have fun - it'll be a blast but don't count it getting you a job - maybe it will, maybe it won't.

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It sounds to me like you're looking for someone to say 'yes - do it' as a way to justify it.... If you can afford it, I say go for it - if nothing else, it would be fun. Would it help you get a job?? Who knows....can't say yes or no until that situation occurs. If you go to Bell school and you interview with a Bell operator, yeah that would probably tip the scale in your favor. Who knows, you may even meet a chief pilot or make some other great contacts during the training that will remember you down the road. If you're flying a King Air, you've been around aviation long enough to know that there are never any "exactly equal" hiring scenarios as you posted so don't even waste time and energy thinking about it.


I say that if you can swing the money, go for it! Have fun - it'll be a blast but don't count it getting you a job - maybe it will, maybe it won't.


Funny you should mention that. Your the third person that's told me, "Sounds like you already have made your mind up." So I'm guessing I'm just blind to my own decisions, which unfortunently in humans, happens. So thanks for helping me realize that.


I understand that such an equal playing field will never happen in real life, and pretty much all the opportunities I've had on the fixed wing side have been because I knew somone. So I was basically just looking for re-assurance that what I thought was true, was true.



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