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Blade sailing wind limitation in an R-22?


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Does anyone know what the wind velocity/gusts would have to be to get blade sailing to occur in an r-22 with your cyclic centered during shutdown or start-up assuming worst case scenario ( 10 o'clock left crosswind)? I haven't heard of any limitation regarding blade sailing from Robinson... does anyone know if there is one? Someone told me that it would have to be 60-70 knots for B.S. to occur, but that # seems a little high to me.

Edited by FAR/AIM
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Does anyone know what the wind velocity/gusts would have to be to get blade sailing to occur in an r-22 with your cyclic centered during shutdown or start-up assuming worst case scenario ( 10 o'clock left crosswind)? I haven't heard of any limitation regarding blade sailing from Robinson... does anyone know if there is one? Someone told me that it would have to be 60-70 knots for B.S. to occur, but that # seems a little high to me.

That's normally optional information that doesn't always make it into your flight manual. Was not required for certification under part 27. Wind related issues under FAR 27.143 [c] & [d] required manufacturers to demonstrate controllability to at least 20 mph (17 knots) from all azimuths.


Look in the performance section of most flight manuals and you'll see statements like the following:


"Satisfactory stability and control has been demonstrated in wind of 20 mph (17 knots) at all azimuths under all loading conditions"




"Controllability has been shown to be adequate in 20 mph (17 knots) winds from any direction."


Unless there's some Supplement, Service Letter or AD that's all you'll find. However, the military required (45 knots Army & 65 knots Navy) demonstrated rotor engagement and shutdown.


Take another look at your manual.







Edited by iChris
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