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Hi All,

When you put aside all the cool hardware (helicopters), there are many people and small companies who work really hard to make the rotors turn, but go relatively unnoticed by most of us.


HeliExpo this year was crazy busy and reminded me of all the hard working people in our industry who fly under the radar.


We made three short vids that pay tribute to all those folks in our industry who are the backbone (support) of the industry.


Rotorcraft Pro brings you a fast paced and exciting look into Day 1, 2, 3 highlights of Heli-Expo 2013 in Las Vegas!


Industry leaders offer their take on the status of the industry. Also included are clips of the aircraft fly-in / fly-out, and an all around view of the show floor, Rotorcraft Pro pays tribute to all the hard working people and companies in the helicopter industry that keep the rotors turning.


Here is Day 3, the links to Days 1 & 2 are right under the video when you are viewing it. - Lyn



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