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Kansas State University

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I'm new to the forum and have a few questions. Right now I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan and will be getting out of the Army in a year and a half. I'm looking at my options for using my post 9/11 GI Bill. I know there are many topics GI Bill topics already so I won't ask the same questions.


I am stationed out of Fort Riley, KS and Kansas State University has a helo program that is offered. I am wondering if anybody on here has gone through this program? If so what are the CFI oppurtunities from there? Is it a straight bachelors degree program or do they have a associates degree program as well?


I already own a home near KSTATE so I'm looking at staying in the area but am open to all possiblities. Any further information and/or career guidance would be greatly appreciated!




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Looks like the flight portion takes place inside of 5 semesters, right around one and a half years. Not sure how they work that in with the AS/BS though. Might benefit you to just shoot them an email and get the info straight from the source.


As far as job opportunities at the flight school.... well they are about as good as they will be anywhere else. The flight training is done through Universal Helicopters, which has more than a few schools, but they are all producing CFI's so there will be lots of competition.


Just go into this fully informed and with no delusions that it'll be easy or a guarantee because I promise you, it won't be, and it isn't. When you start training, you shouldn't have any questions you wish you'd asked before.

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I got my commercial rating there when they were using a 300cbi. I did it through continuing education not a degree. I used the G.I. Bill to help pay for it. It is a great school. Get a hold of Bill Gross, he is the head pilot and will help point you in the right direction. I have not dealt with the Universal program though. Bill's e-mail is listed on the school web site.

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Thanks for the replies. I've tried contacting the school through email but can't go in at the moment due to being deployed. It would optimal to be able to complete my schooling through them due to the fact of owning a house 30 min away. From my understand though this is a campus classes. I will for sure try contacting Bill Gross.


Copter Doctor,

Can you tell me a little bit more about your experience there? You can PM or post on here. I'd appreciate all the help I can get!




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