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Flight Training in the Army in 1920

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Today I was listening to a podcast which recommended it's listeners to check out past issues of Flying Magazine on Google Books which date back all the way to November 1927. Back then it was called Popular Aviation but I found an article on page 11 of the issue that is about flight training in the Army back then and found it an interesting read so I figured I'd recommend it here.


I've only just begun looking through these ancient magazines but from what I can tell it's going to be a fun time going through history, back when a magazine was 25 cents and flight training sounds stupid cheap! Just figured I'd put this on here for others to waste some time checking out.




EDIT: Oh and that flight simulator they had! I'm not sure of the technology we have now but do we have simulators in our military that do rolls and backflips?? This thing is crazy

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1920s? Wasn't flight training back then just flapping your arms and jumping off a cliff?

Haha not quite but probably not far off. You could buy a Curtiss JN4 for $490 though! I'd totally but one right now for that if I could haha

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