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Police radios & your hearing loss

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I have a Gentex helicopter helmet (model #sph-5 or something like that.  I don't have it in front of me right now).  Flying in our dept's A-Stars is not quiet enough for me.


I find it difficult to clearly hear the police radios with my helmet.  I'm constantly adjusting the volume controls on the radios and find that it's just too loud and/or too quiet.  It's a headache.


I've tried turning the volume up and also wearing foam type ear plugs, but it doesn't work well.  


Can anyone here tell me what you use and if ANR systems would work better for me.  Or are active noise reduction systems a waste of money.


Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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Transaeroinc has a kit that hooks up to your audio speakers and has a foam earplug with a small speaker in the center.  Hard to describe but basically the foam earplug cuts out the helicopter noise and the small speaker pipes in the audio at a level that does not crush your eardrums.  Here is a link.



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Hi Squak7500,

we have the Sennheiser Noise-Reduction-System in all our Helicopters/Helmets/Headsets.

It works quite well for most of the times.

But from time to time we have problems with the volume - because the guys on the ground are different loud. Operations is leanig in its chair, a microphone somewhere - and you could hardly hear him - turning up the volume, so the the next call from the chasing car is blowing your ears off.

Nevertheless - the Sennheiser-System is quite useful - should be bought from your agency - your helicopte is a workplace!


Greetings "Flying Bull"

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