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Hi Im 30 and have about  300 total hours in R22"s


Summary of qualifications



Outstanding analytical and interpretation skills .

Strong Planning and problem identification/diagnosis skills.

A strong background knowledge of the Japanese spoken language and Life stye.

Strongly self motivated enthusiastic and profit oriented.

Posses flexibility and i enjoy working in a fast paced environment.

Outstanding communication skills, Equally able to work independently or collaboratively in a team effort.

And generally a strong will to work in the aviation community.







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Professional experience





1998-1991 British army combat radio operator  (territorial army)

Responsibilities:  Security of radio operations unit




1991-1994 American military services hotel tokyo (new Sanno)

Responsibilities: Room service waiter/dinning room waiter,            stock ordering and distribution, cashier, VIP service .


1993-1999 Volunteer english conversation teacher.

Responsibilities: teaching and making of lesson plans.


1995-1998 Silk screen printer.

Responsibilities: Quality control & shipping


2001- till now / Hearts CO LTD conversation school.

Responsibilities: kinder garden teacher, student sales


2001-2002 Aug. , Ikaros publications Japan.

Responsibilities: Gathering information and writing a script for

aeronautical english language book.






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1999-2001 Green river aviation flight school (keene NH )

Responsibilities: Student welfare, student drop off/pick up at the airport ,Photo flight pilot , maintenance flight pilot,

Flight & ground instructor, english instructor.










1988 June parrs wood high school graduate England

1990 June Yts small business course graduate.

1994 Nov.  C.A.R.E Navy alcohol servers awareness program

2000 Jan FAA commercial pilot helicopter

2001 Jan  FAA Flight instructor helicopter

2002 Dec  Robinson safety course







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